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[Feminist organizations]
Making Face, Making Soul "...Making Face, Making Soul is a site by, for, and about Chicanas, meaning women of Mexican descent in the United States.  This site contains a variety of resources ranging from short biographies of Chicanas, to Chicana poetry and literature, cultural resources, academic resources, otras chicanas on the 'net, and more... ." Quoted from http://www.chicanas.com/.
(added 13/7/2006)

Fundación Mujeres "La Fundación Mujeres es una Organización No Gubernamental especializada en el campo de la igualdad de oportunidades entre hombres y mujeres, que ha trabajado desde el año 1994 en proyectos dirigidos a: Mejorar la situación de las mujeres en el empleo, desarrollando metodologías para apoyar a mujeres jóvenes, mujeres que viven en el medio rural, y mujeres con especiales dificultades para acceder al mercado laboral, tales como mujeres mayores de 45 años y mujeres en peligro de exclusión social (mujeres solas con cargas familiares, mujeres gitanas, mujeres víctimas de violencia, etc.)." Non-government organization in Spain that works for equality of men and women, helping women who are victims of violence and and other descriminated women (like gypsy women). Quoted from http://www.fundacionmujeres.es/iniciofm.htm.
(added 13/7/2006)

Fawcett Society
"Fawcett campaigns for equality between women and men in the UK on pay, pensions, poverty, justice and politics." Quoted from http://www.fawcettsociety.org.uk/index.asp?Pageid=5.
This group focuses on issues such as women and politics, pay, pension and poverty, the future of gender equality, and equality in the home.
(added 13/7/2006)

Womankind Worlwide

"WOMANKIND Worldwide believes women in developing countries are a powerful force for change. Women have an abundance of practical ideas for improving their own lives and lifting their families and communities out of poverty. But this can only happen if they have the confidence and opportunities to articulate their needs and ideas - and be listened to. WOMANKIND Worldwide is the only UK charity devoted to enabling women to achieve this." Quoted from
(added 1

Mama Cash "Mama Cash is a women's fund which finances projects conceived by women; strong women who set an example for others, who know first-hand experience that it is possible to turn the tide if women know their rights and claim them. Mama Cash is convinced that social change starts with women." Quoted from http://www.mamacash.nl/site/en/index.php
(added 13/7/2006)

Europeans Women's Lobby "EWL has developed some information tools, in order to provide information about gender equality in the European Union to its member organisations and to other interested people." Quoted from http://www.womenlobby.org/site/hp.asp?langue=EN.
(added 13

Servicio Galego de promocion da Igualdade do Home e da Muller
"O Servizo Galego de Igualdade é un organismo autónomo adscrito á Secretaría Xeral de Igualdade da Vicepresidencia da Igualdade e do Benestar, creado por Lei 3/1991, de 14 de xaneiro, e o seu obxectivo é promove-la igualdade de dereitos e a non discriminación entre homes e mulleres,  a participación e integración da muller na vida social, cultural, económica e política de Galicia." Quoted from http://www.xunta.es/auto/sgi/.

Galego Service cent
er for the promotion of equality of men and women. This grou also has started a project for women in Galicia called "Don't Be Scared of the Internet' in which they teach them how to use it and how it is a tool for achieving equality.
(added 13/7/2006)

Observatorio de Salud Y Mujer

"El Observatorio de Salud y Mujer (www.obsym.org) es un proyecto desarrollado como iniciativa conjunta de la Fundació Biblioteca Josep Laporte y la Fundación Sanofi Aventis destinado a ofrecer información de calidad especializada en temas de salud para las mujeres. Mediante su página web se facilita la consulta de más de 2000 documentos y recursos web, el acceso a investigaciones relacionadas con la salud de la mujer, a encuestas, a formación, información sobre actividades, una revista mensual de salud y un buzón de atención a sus usuari@s." Quoted from www.obsym.org.

The Health and Woman Observatory organization offers through its website access to information on women's health. They also have a monthly magazine and a consultation contact email for its users.
(added 13/7/2006)

City of Women "City of Women aims to raise the visibility of high-quality innovative creations by women artists, theoreticians and activists from all over the world. Since 1995, it has presented the artistic and cultural production of women in the performing arts, music, visual arts, film and video, literature and theory, and thereby aimed to provoke a debate and raise awareness as to the currently disproportionate participation and representation of women in arts and culture, as well as in society as a whole. City of Women simultaneously provides a platform that focuses upon and considers pertinent critical contemporary issues."
(added 19/05/2006)

Womenspacework "Womenspacework is a project by Yvonne P. Doderer in cooperation with Fender (M. Schrade) and Susanne Schwarz. First it was developed within the art programme of the International Women's University (ifu). In the year 2002 womenspacework was invited to participate within the exhibition project First Story - Women Building/New Narratives for the 21st Century (see: www.firststory.net). The focus of the project is to offer a starting point of a possible virtual platform on an international level connecting different feminist as well as lesbian theories and practices. The focus of the project is to offer a starting point of a possible virtual platform on an international level connecting different feminist as well as lesbian theories and practices. In the workshop the project should be theoretically visualized, discussed and worked out with the participants."
(added 19/05/2006)

Mujerees Creando
"Mujeres Creando is a social movement created by women who live, dream, fight and build in Bolivia, their Utopias of society... Our instruments for battle and construction is creativity, disobedience to the patriarchical and machista system, the ethics of our actions and love... We do creative actions on the streets; we have a newspaper called “Mujer Publica” – “public Woman”, which we sell on the streets and we have published books with poetry, feminist theory and sexuality... Mujeres Creando do a lot of graffiti in public spaces and always sign “mujeres creando”. Here are some examples of what they write:
1. `Our Feminism does not recycle, nor does it fill empty spaces, nor does it remove, it moves and affects.`
2.`Woman, have confidence in the sound of your own voice.`"

(added 17/05/2006)

(Basque Country)
"The Basque Women’s Institute / Emakunde was founded in an Act dated 5 February 1988 as an Autonomous Organisation dependent on the Presidency of the Basque Government. Its fundamental objective is to work in favour of real and tangible equality between men and women in all areas of the political, economic, cultural and social life of the Basque Country."
(added 29/03/2006)


"Comunicación e Información de la Mujer, A.C. (CIMAC) es una institución multimedia que desde 1988 promueve en los medios de comunicación un nuevo punto de vista sobre la condición actual de las mujeres en México y el mundo, siempre vinculado con los principios de equidad, justicia social y democracia."

"CIMAC, created in 1988, is a multimedia institution that promotes through media a new point of view on the current condition of women in Mexico and the rest of the world, always working along the principles of equality, social justice and democracy." (translated by Haydeé)
(added 29/03/2006)

Telemanita A.C.
(DF, México)

"Es  un centro que desde hace nueve años, promueve el uso del video como una herramienta de educación, organización, capacitación y expresión. Nuestro trabajo está encaminado a que las mujeres se apropien de dicha herramienta y la apliquen en su labor en defensa de: Los Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres, La educación popular, La salud reproductiva La libre opción sexual. La creación de Políticas Públicas que nos beneficien. Alternativas Ecológicas y de Desarrollo Sustentable La creatividad y la complicidad."

"Since 9 years ago, this center promotes the use of video as a tool of education, organization, capacitation and expression. Our job is directed towards women so that they appropriate this tool and so that they apply it in their work for the defense of : women's human rights , popular eduaction, reproductive health and free sexual choice; the creation of public policies that benefit women, ecological and sustainable development alternatives; creativity and complexity." (translated by Haydeé)
(added 29/03/2006)

Zapatista Women * Mujeres Zapatistas "This is an arena of discussion, collaboration, challenge, education and participation. We have opened this door for you to enter and meet one another, in honor of the women who have offered their lives to the Zapatista movement."
(added 28/03/2006)

Casa de la Mujer

A women´s rights group in Oaxaca, Mexico which works to improve the equality of women and their human rights.

"Nuestra misión es transformar la sociedad en una más justa y equitativa, que respete los derechos de las mujeres."
(added 28/03/2006)



"W.E.R.I.S.E. [Women Empowered Through Revolutionary Ideas Supporting Enterprise], the organization & collective that provides networking, resources, and support for developing women artists|entrepreneurs. W.E.R.I.S.E. is a multicultural, multi-generational, multi-disciplinary, and multi-artistic community. We produce events directed by and featuring women who represent diverse backgrounds and art forms."
(added 28/03/2006)

The Feminist Theory Website "The Feminist Theory Website provides research materials and information for students, activists, and scholars interested in women's conditions and struggles around the world. The goals of this website are: 1) to encourage a wide range of research into feminist theory, and 2) to encourage dialogue between women (and men) from different countries around the world. Hopefully, this will result in new connections, new ideas, and new information about feminist theory and women's movements."
(added 28/03/2006)

National Organization For Women "The National Organization for Women (NOW) is the largest organization of feminist activists in the United States. NOW has 500,000 contributing members and 550 chapters in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Since its founding in 1966, NOW's goal has been to take action to bring about equality for all women. NOW works to eliminate discrimination and harassment in the workplace, schools, the justice system, and all other sectors of society; secure abortion, birth control and reproductive rights for all women; end all forms of violence against women; eradicate racism, sexism and homophobia; and promote equality and justice in our society."
(added 28/03/2006)

FeministCampus.org "World's Largest Pro-Choice Student Network"
(added 28/03/2006)

Feminist.com "Feminist.com is a ten-year-old activist community and portal of resources and information that supports women's equality, justice, wellness and safety. The Feminist.com web site was founded to initiate and facilitate grassroots mobilization, networking and communication around important political, health and educational issues related to women."
(added 28/03/2006)


In German language. Check it out.
(added 28/03/2006)

The Blood Sisters Project "Blood Sisters is an exciting launching pad girl base fueling action to combat the silence surrounding our female bodies. We are girls using our own feminine protection to work against the corporate and cultural constructions of menstruation. We are concerned with the serious health, environmental and psychological ramifications of the toxic feminine hygiene industry and are fighting to stop the whitewash on all fronts.Born out of a guerilla girl recyclable pad distribution network, we are an ever growing group generating more creative projects to raise awareness surrounding menstrual girl-body politics. These include publishing zines, weaving a web girl network, terrorizing bathroom walls, giving healthy health workshops, organizing art exhibits, distributing affordable, alternative products, sharing n boycotting, tabling n lobbying, stitching n bitching and always with winged power."
(added 28/03/2006)

"The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network is the nation's largest anti-sexual assault organization. RAINN operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline and carries out programs to prevent sexual assault, help victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice."
(added 28/03/2006)

ALAI- Mujeres "Para contribuir al desarrollo de una cultura democrática y participativa, basada en la igualdad entre los géneros, ALAI cuenta con un programa internacional, dedicado específicamente a fortalecer el avance organizativo, propositivo y reivindicativo de los movimientos y redes de mujeres, a través del desarrollo de los procesos comunicativos. El Área Mujeres de ALAI impulsa y promueve el avance del derecho de las mujeres a la comunicación y la articulación de redes sociales para viabilizar este derecho. La información sistematizada y análisis que difunde, presentan la diversidad de posturas, propuestas y problemáticas de los movimientos de mujeres y feminista del continente."

"In order to contribute to the development of democratic and participant culture based on gender equality, ALAI has created an international program dedicated specifically to fortalize the organizational, propositive and reindicative advancement of women's movements and networks through the development of communicative processes. The Mujeres ALAI area impulses and promotes the advancement of women's rights to communication and the articulation of social networks in order to mobilize these rights. The systematic information and analysis that it spreads present diversity of postures, proposals and problems of women's and feminist movements around the continent." (Translated by Haydeé)

(added 27/03/2006)

(Lima, Perú)

"El Centro de Documentación sobre la Mujer es una asociación civil que desde 1985, se ha dedicado a la tarea de recopilar, procesar, investigar y difundir información sobre las mujeres, permitiendo el acceso a esta información especializada, con la que pretende aportar al reconocimiento y desarrollo del potencial de la mujer en la sociedad, además de posibilitar cambios que favorezcan a las peruanas."

"The Center for Docmention on Women is a civil group that since 1985, has dedicated its tasks to compile, process, research and spread information on womenm, allowing access to this specialized information with which it intends to contribute to the recognition and development of the potential of women in society and also intends to make possible changes tha favor Peruvian women." (Translated by Haydeé)
(added 27/03/2006)

subRosa "subRosa is a reproducible cyberfeminist cell of cultural researchers committed to combining art, activism, and politics to explore and critique the effects of the intersections of the new information and biotechnologies on women’s bodies, lives, and work. subRosa produces artworks, activist campaigns and projects, publications, media interventions, and public forums that make visible the effects of the interconnections of technology, gender, and difference; feminism and global capital; new bio and medical technologies and women’s health; and the changed conditions of labor and reproduction for women in the integrated circuit."
(added 27/03/2006)

Women living under Muslim laws

"Women Living Under Muslim Laws is an international solidarity network that provides information, support and a collective space for women whose lives are shaped, conditioned or governed by laws and customs said to derive from Islam."

(added 27/03/2006)

Code Pink "CODEPINK is a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the war in Iraq, stop new wars, and redirect our resources into healthcare, education and other life-affirming activities. CODEPINK rejects the Bush administration's fear-based politics that justify violence, and instead calls for policies based on compassion, kindness and a commitment to international law.  With an emphasis on joy and humor, CODEPINK women and men seek to activate, amplify and inspire a community of peacemakers through creative campaigns and a commitment to non-violence."
(added 27/03/2006)

AWID: Association for Women´s Rights in Development

"An international membership organization connecting, informing and mobilizing thousands of people and organizations committed to achieving women´s rights".

(added 27/03/2006)

Mediterranean Women

A human rights organization, who dedicates itself to the improvement of women´s rights and general living conditions of women in the Mediterranean region. http://www.mediterraneas.org/
(added 27/03/2006)

Stop the Violence Against Women "STOPVAW is a site developed by Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights as a tool for the promotion of women's human rights in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The site was developed with support from and in consultation with the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) and the Open Society Institute's Network Women's Program (OSI). This site addresses violence against women as one of the most pervasive human rights abuses worldwide. The STOPVAW site provides women's rights advocates with information focused on ending the most endemic forms of violence against women in the region:"
Domestic Violence
Sexual Assault
Sexual Harassment
Trafficking in Women

planting seeds community awareness project "the planting seeds community awareness project is mainly the love and hard work of two people; basil and billie. with our friends -- who help out sometimes -- and the communities we work in, we are ending oppression and bringing out liberation. it is our belief that all people are intelligent and have the ability to solve problems which face their communities but are often held back by powerfull, self-serving (economic, political, social, religious, and cultural) institutions. our main goal is to aid in the process of self-determination and healing for all living beings by fostering open and honest communication between people." http://www.pscap.org/

Third Wave Foundation
“The only national activist and grantmaking organization for and by young women”


"Third Wave is the only national organization created by and for young women between the ages of 15 and 30. As an activist philanthropic organization, Third Wave networks, informs, and financially supports young women around the country and the projects that serve them. The goal of Third Wave is to harness the energy of young feminists nationwide by sharing information and resources, thereby creating a community in which members can coalesce, network, strategize, and ultimately take action around issues that affect us all. As a grantmaking organization, we strive to be the thread that connects young women to the resources necessary to counter attacks on their personal freedoms." (since 1999)

Feminist Activist Resources in the Net "This guide is particularly oriented toward connecting Feminists who are Activists to resources on the Internet which could be of use. I have tried, where available, to connect people to other indexes about a particular topic of feminism, rather than to the resources themselves." (last updated 1997, created 1949)

Rock For Choice Rock for Choice, now a full-time project of the Feminist Majority has gained enormous momentum with concerts organized in dozens of cities across the United States and Canada featuring popular artists (...) Rock for Choice raises critical resources to help fund the Feminist Majority¹s vigilant Campaign to Save Roe to raise public awareness about the impending threat to Roe and build the will among 41 pro-choice Senators to sustain a filibuster against an anti-choice nomination to the Supreme Court (visit Million4Roe.com to sign the petition). But as importantly, the project gives young adults an opportunity to fight back by encouraging them to get educated and active in the fight for reproductive rights and to register to vote."

Feminist Majority Foundation

"The Feminist Majority and The Feminist Majority Foundation are committed to empowering women and winning equality through research, the sharing of information of value to feminists everywhere, and effective action. Our work is supported by the generosity of tens of thousands of caring feminists -- women and men -- all across the USA and around the world." Features women's news, events, job listings, web link and much more - it's a pretty extensive site!

Women Ink.

"Empowering women with knowledge to transform communities. Women Ink. is a project of the International Women's Tribune Centern to market and distribut of books on women and development with a focus on the perspectives of women from the Global South. We provide a marketing outlet for publications produced by information-gathering groups and small presses in countries of the Global South." Lists more than 250 publications from over 70+ publishers worldwide on women-related issues! Lots of books to check out!

[ Women's resources ]

A Difficulz Decision- a compassionate book about abortion
"Here's all you ever wanted to know about Action Girl Comics, heart of all my Action Girl Projects. Here at Action Girl Central, you'll find all sorts of Action Girl-related stuff -- info, links, fun stuff to do...and the predecessor to Action Girl, the Action Girl Newsletter is online here as well  along with other zine information. Cooking, toys, links, how-to-info, how to get the comics and what's in them -- you'll find all that and more here." Written by Joy Gardner. Now distributed by blood sisters (Canada): http://bloodsisters.org/bloodsisters/

(added 29/03/2006)

- RIMA is a communications project that works through: an homonymous distribution email list dedicated to information and the exchange between women feminists, journalists, organizations of women's movements, researchers, students and activists of Argentina and the rest of Latin America.- "RIMA- Red Informativa de Mujeres de Argentina es un proyecto de comunicación que se realiza a través de: una lista de distribución por correo electrónico homónima dedicada a la información y el intercambio entre mujeres feministas, periodistas, organizaciones del movimiento de mujeres, investigadoras, estudiantes, y activistas del país y también de países de Latinoamérica."
(added 29/03/2006)

Mujeres Latinoamericanas en Cifras A great online resource center with statistics and facts about Latinamerican women's political, social and economic situation. Divided by country and includes charts aiding the information provided. http://www.eurosur.org/FLACSO/mujeres/
(added 28/03/2006)


"BellaOnline provides an encouraging, supportive publishing community for women. We provide free training, support and promotion so writers may reach their personal and business goals. Overall, BellaOnline aims to provide high-quality, helpful, trustworthy content, at no cost, in a low advertisement environment for our millions of visitors." http://www.bellaonline.com/
(added 28/03/2006)

Global List of Women’s Organizations
A long list of women's organizations ordered by countries and territories from all over, not just from Europe and US!!! A great effort by Denise Osted!

thirdspace Our vision for thirdspace includes creating a community of emerging feminist scholars. chora is about voices, about movement, about finding another space for feminist thought to emerge and flourish. We will endeavour to update chora with new material monthly, so please check back regularly.Here you will find: a members section to join our community and sign up on our listserv, chora-l.
research notes from members, outlining their research interests
a resources section for links to online academic sites and organizations
a page for online publications and directories for feminist work
and news & notices for selected awards, upcoming publishing opportunities, and
conferences of interest to our community"


Part of the Institute for Global Communications (IGC) site. WomensNet "is a global community of women, activists and organizations using computer networks for information sharing, broadcast and collaboration with the intent of increasing women's rights." Browse WomensNet directory, documents, discussions...

Women’s Resources on the Internet

A resource site by six women of the University of North Carolina with many different information by and about women on the Interne, including links to women's colleges. Part of the Women's Resource Project (no longer updated, created 1994) with information also on Women's Studies and local NC resources.

The Premier Search Directory for Women Online

A women's search engine, covering all aspects from Arts & Entertainment, Drama, Literature, Music to Women in Business, Community/Government, Computers/Internet
Diversity Among Women, Culture, Education, Feminism, Health & Safety, Lesbian Visibility , Mothers/Parenting, Publications, Women's Resources, Science/Technology, Sports, History,...


Resources and info about domestic abuse by Erika
http://www.tao.ca/~erikamaria/ (webpage inactive 22/02/2006)


“About-Face is a media literacy organization focused on the impact mass media has on the physical, mental and emotional well being of women and girls. Through practical and activist methods we challenge our culture's overemphasis on physical appearance. By encouraging critical thinking about the media, and personal empowerment, About-Face works to engender positive body-esteem in girls and women of all ages, sizes, races and backgrounds. About-Face provides a place where all women count, from the tiniest among us to the very largest.” (San Francisco based)

Women'space provides a Magazine where
Women activists shareInternet guides, stories and analyses, Feminist Heritage Greeting cards and a Womens Internet Compaign "For equal access, equal participation, and an equal voice in communication technologies" as well as an Canadian Womens Internet Direcotry (in English and French, since 1995).

l@p lernen

An extensive link site on international women’s resources in German by Susanne Meyer: "Ihre frauenfreundliche EDV-und Internetunterstützung nicht nur für Schulungen und Informationsrecherche".
(webpage inactive 22/02/2006)

African Women Global Network "African Women Global Network (AWOGNet) is a global organization that networks all men and women, organizations, institutions and indigenous national organizations within Africa, whose activities are targeted towards the improvement of the living conditions of women and children in Africa." Lists African research projects, links and info to African countries and African links (by Egondu Onyejekwe).

(webpage inactive 22/02/2006)

FREEmonthly listings of women's groups & events worldwide
"AVIVA is a FREE 'Webzine', being run by an International group of Feminists based in London. We are providing a free listings service for women everywhere, funded by advertising, and sponsorship. AVIVA is an International Women's Listing Magazine which enables women all over the world to make contact with each other. AVIVA needs the input of groups and individuals around the world to provide information for free listings. AVIVA offers to act as Website 'host' to Women's Groups and Services globally."

[Queer - Trans Issues]
aldarte The association ALDARTE provides gays, lesbians, transexuals ans their friend with the necessary resources to be helped, welcome, orietated and informed. Euskera/ Basque, Spanish, French and English.
(added 29/03/2006)

denosotras.org: Red Regional Lesbica News, forums, chat, links to feminist lesbian organizations, and other Latin American regional resources that provide identity issues guidance. In Spanish.
(added 28/03/2006)

Transgender Warrior The domain of Leslie Feinberg, author of Stone Butch Blues, Transgendrer Warrior, and Trans Liberation.

Transgender Forum's Community Center

Links to groups all over the US. http://www.transgender.org

Transfeminist Anthology Project Home of the Transfeminist Anthology Project. "This web site was established by Emi Koyama (the webchick) with inputs from Diana Courvant to facilitate communication between intersex and trans people who are feminists and their allies as well as to help spread the word about our upcoming anthology on intersex and trans feminisms."

OutProud - Be Yourself OutProud - Support, advocacy and resources for
gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender youth. National coalition for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered youth. Offers a wide variety of resources.

(International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth Organisation)

International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender youth and student organisation activities, news, and reports. ?The International Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Youth Organisation (IGLYO) was created in 1984 as a reaction to the need for better co-operation among regional, local or national lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) youth and student organisations. It is an important meeting point and LGBT youth rights stronghold in the European region."
http://www.iglyo.org/ (website inactive 22/02/2006)

Trans-Fuse! "A directory of websites, 'zines and mailing lists offering more political trans and queer resources..."
(website inactive 22/02/2006)

[Women of Color Resources]

"MySistahs is a Web site created by and for young of color to provide information and offer support on sexual and reproductive health issues through education and advocacy." http://mysistahs.org/
(added 27/03/2006)

Exoticize this!

An extensive Asian American feminist site. It contains articles, resources, and links on a wide range of topics including academics, film, art, politics and activisms, and others.
http://members.aol.com/Critchicks/index2.html (webpage inactive 22/02/2006)

ChicanaStuff (now CS DISTRO)

"What we do? Chicana/WOC networking and empowerment. Chicana/mujer promotion and motivation. A fledging tiendita for Chicanas and Mujeres (women and women of color). We are considering zines, chapbooks, spoken word cds, original artwork, artesanias, and other such work."
http://www.chicanastuff.com/stuff/updates.shtml Now, Chicana Stuff is CS Distro.

Sistahspace A huge resources site (links, articles, art gallery, message boards, survey chatroom,...) for women of color. http://www.sistahspace.com/
(website inactive 22/02/2006)

Women of Color Web

“The Women of Color Web is dedicated to providing access to writings by and about women of color in the U.S. We focus specifically on issues related to feminisms, sexualities, and reproductive health and rights, although we envision adding new sections as interests arise. The site also provides links to organizations, discussion lists, and academic tools concerned specifically with women of color.” http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/grhf/WoC/

FemmeNoir "FemmeNoir is about community and bringing that community closer to other lesbians of color. Whether you live in North America, South America, Africa, the United Kingdom, anywhere in the world, you can find information about our lifestyles and culture via FemmeNoir.
Though FemmeNoir's content is geared primarily toward lesbians of color, we also introduce you to non-lesbian identified women of color who serve as positive role models in our communities and our content will provide information we can use as women, such as gardening, home life, cooking, finances, fashion and sports.FemmeNoir is designed to build self-esteem through our history and culture; to encourage a more powerful self-concept via the bridge called our sisters backs who are "doing it" in the communities; and to provide a platform for lesbians of color to express themselves at a time when information truly is power on this information superhighway.
It is FemmeNoir's ambitious hope to bring information and the ability to communicate with one another as close as your desktop. FemmeNoir serves as a portal to other sites of interest to lesbians of color. In addition, we will provide original content pertaining to our community, our loves, our lives, our music, our theater, our films, our publications, and our culture."


The Austin Latino/Latina Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Organization,

"Founded in 1985, The Austin Latino/Latina Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Organization, ALLGO, is committed to progressive community organizing, advocacy for social change & the preservation of queer Latina/o cultura & art. Our efforts are rooted in the belief that critical consciousness along with self and community-empowerment are essential to our survival and well-being."

[Women’s News]
Women's eNews "Women's eNews is the definitive source of substantive news--unavailable anywhere else--covering issues of particular concern to women and providing women's perspectives on public policy. It enhances women's ability to define their own lives and to participate fully in every sector of human endeavor." In English and Arabic.
(added 29/03/2006)


"Isis... fue creada en 1974, como parte del resurgimiento mundial del movimiento de mujeres y el nacimiento de un nuevo feminismo militante... la misión del grupo fundador se encaminó a documentar lo que estaba pasando en diversas partes del mundo con las luchas de las mujeres, a través de una recopilación sistemática de información que, más adelante, dio origen a un centro de documentación y a la producción de publicaciones periódicas alimentadas por la información que enviaban las organizaciones de mujeres en rápido crecimiento. Actualmente nos hemos adecuado a los nuevos escenarios marcados por el cambio de época, el surgimiento de nuevos actores y actoras sociales, las transformaciones en los ámbitos de la información y comunicación sumados a la disminución de la ayuda de la cooperación internacional...De esta manera hemos seguido potenciando el trabajo de difusión y recopilación de la información y contacto con las redes, sin apartarnos de nuestros objetivos primigenios."

"ISIS was created in 1974 as a part of the world resurgeance of the women's movement and the birth of a new militant feminism. The mission of the founding group decided to document what was going on in different parts of the world with the battles of women and women's rights through the systematic compilation of information, which later gave birth to a center for documentation and to the production of periodical publications fed by the information sent by fast growing women's organizations. Today we have adapted to the new sceneries marked by the changes in time, the rise of new social actors, the transformations in the information and communication cirquits, and adding this to the dimminishing international cooperation. In this way we have continued supporting the potential of diffusion and complilation of information and contact with networks without separating ourselves from our primary objectives."
(Translated by Haydeé)
(added 29/03/2006)

SEM - Cuba "Servicio de Noticias de la Mujer (SEM) es una agencia informativa internacional, integrada por una red de periodistas de America Latina, que producen reportajes y análisis de prensa, brindando una cobertura nacional desde perspectivas de género, sin limitarse a los temas considerados exclusivamente femeninos."

"Women's News Services is an international information agency that is composed of a network of journalists from Latin America which produces reports and press analysis, providing a national coverage from gender perspectives without limiting itself to issues considered exclusively feminist."
(added 29/03/2006)

NOTIMEX News from Mexico and International Scene and has a section on women's issues, opinions and news. In Spanish.
(added 29/03/2006)

Women’s Human Rights
(Amnesty International)
"Amnesty International mobilizes AI activists, the public and US policymakers to promote and defend the human rights of women and girls around the world. In the United States, a major goal of the organization is to persuade the US government to ratify the UN Women’s Convention, the most basic and important human rights treaty protecting women against discrimination and the forms of violence it engenders." Provides news&issues, a quarterly bulletin and many links concern women's rights.

News from the Feminist Majority Foundation You can read today's news, have look in the archive, press releases, newsletters and events calenders.

Said It:
feminist news, culture, and politics
"Said It is a pro-equality, pro-multiplicity, pro-abundance, pro-responsibility, pro-animal, pro-justice, pro-love, pro-laughter feminist publication." Comes out evey month and provides lots of information. (US/WA) http://www.saidit.org/


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