Bite the hand that feeds you
"Each little folded zine is a response to aspects of the media that I feel have a negative effect on society. As you read through the zine, it folds out to reveal a positive message of resistance."Quoted from Sara Charms myspace website The zines are available through the distro at
(added 13/7/2006)
Boobs & the Milk Cart: The Circle of Life
(US?) |
"There was a girl who had a boyfriend. They were five & one day he picked another girl to help him hand out milk from the milk cart at school. This same girl, at the age of nine lost her best friend to boobs & popularity. After many years of girl hate she was handed a cassette with the words "Revolution Grrrl Style" scrawled across the front. This is that girl's story." Quoted and available to order from My My Distro.
14p & 1/8 letter > .50c
(added 28/06/2006)
Beautiful Bras and Bodyhair |
"This zine is about studying and challenging our perconceptions of bodyhair, bras, and related topics. In this issue, Nadine, Colleen and Shane tell us about their histories about growing up and growing hair. Then we are treated to two guides: one about the various tools of hair eradication, and about one's bra personality. The big finally, is a comprehensive survey about bodyhair: quantity, quality, effects on dating, sexuality, etc. Some surprising answers to inquitive questions are found!" Quoted and available to order from Great Worm Express Distro
Size: half-letter, 36 pages, $2.50
(added 21/06/2006)
A Band of Minor Heroes |
"#1 Split into three sections [love ("love") letters, personal essay/journal/stuff, and fiction], there are superheroes, a dead fish comic, and a quarter-size supplemental zine of interviews with Of Montreal, The Microphones, Little Wings, and Wolf Colonel. If you care to be featured as a minor hero, check this zine out and write Meg!" Quoted and available to order from Tastes Like Newsprint Distro
(added 21/06/2006)
Burnt Zine |
"A thoughtful zine put together by a variety of writers. There are articles in here about feminist pornography, race, and lots of record reviews. What's unique about burnt zine is the variety of opinions, the different tones of voice and just the overall coolness of the subject matter." Quoted and available to order from Fortune Cookie Distro.
(added 21/06/2006)
Black and Blue |
"In this issue it includes information on all sorts of women artists. It also has all kinds of artwork from various artsits and collages." Quoted and available to order from Dreamers Distro.
$2, 2oz
(added 20/06/2006)
Born in Flames
"New great zine by Phoolan Devi sxe women collective from Austria focused on feminism, straight edge and hardcore! First issue contains: womyn in hc/punk, abortions in Brazil, street harrasment, personal stuff, womyn self-defense, abortion is a humyn right, NY City Radical Cheerleaders, a poem for men, silenced voices in punk, stop sexist pornography, ONE DAY KILLS all girl vegan sXe band from Brazil), WAGE OF SIN, POINT OF NO RETURN." Quoted and available to order from Emancypunx Distro.
56pgs A5, 4zł
(added 16/06/2006)
Broken records
"Jessica, who also wrote the zine 'Cross Examination', has created a zine that deals with her experiences working in a record store. I love reading stories about people's mishaps and weird things that happen at their workplace. Jessica's style of story-telling is captivating and I could not put this issue down. This issue also comes with a
great CD filled with music." (Quoted in Driving Blind Distro) This Available to order from Driving Blind Distro.
(added 1/06/2006)
Bitches Brew Beer Collective
"Come join the bitches brew crew and homebrew with us! We are a collective of feminist women and men in Phoenix who get together monthly to brew our own beer and other d.i.y. crafts. We produce zines bi-monthly that include: tips and tricks, recipes, photos, non-beer recipes (mead anyone?), and more! Each zine comes with stickers! " Quoted and available to order from Desert City Death Distro.
(added 31/05/2006)
Blood, Sweat, & Ink
"A short cute comic zine about boys, baseball and sex. I love the way she draws." Quoted and available to order from Desert City Death Distro.
Barbie war
"Barbie War is fierce and femme. Barbie War is about a grrrl being proud to be a grrrl, writing a zine (and how empowering it is), crushes, being anti-body hate (and why), "The other woman", anarchism/anarchist resources, her thoughts on Iraq, "Love story revised" (how Romeo and Juliet should've went), etc.
...A solid zine that blends the personal and political nicely."(Quoted in Basement Freak's Distro) Issue #3 is available to order from Basement Freak's Distro.
$1.00, 48 pgs, 1/2 sized
broken logic vol. 1
"This is angel's first go at making a zine, and she's done a really good job. broken logic has something different on every page, and is filled with short stories and anecdotes. a real cutxpaste zine." by Amethystangel . Available to order from Fatcheeks Distro.
$2 AU/CA - $1 US
20pp, 1/4 sized, 14g
(added 02/05/2006)
(AZ/US) |
BirlZine! is an ongoing 8-1/2 x 7 compilation zine of personal writing, essays, poetry, photography, art, news, and resources for and by boyish girls (birls) who enjoy riding the gender wave and don’t let their gender dictate how to act. A birl can be a hetero tomboy, an FTM, or anyone in between. This is a safe space for birls to share our work and find relevant news and resources. For more information, please visit or write to julie [AT] . Issues are available for $1.20, which includes postage.
(added 11/03/2005)
Bloc: For Activists in a Family Way
Canada) | "This
site is about taking kids to demonstrations, rallies, protests, civil disobedience
actions, parades, marches, and places like that. It's about parents and others
raising and protecting children safely, while shaking up the unjust foundations
of our society." Currently Laurel Dykstra and Bruce Triggs are editing an
Activist Family Handbook. Zines $2. By Laurel, the twins, Papa Bruce.
babybloc [AT]
Body + Other Checklists: Guidebook to the future (AZ/USA) | "The
S.C.U.M. Manifesto and Kathy Acker are ancestors of this stellar document. In
the future it becomes apparent that language is inadequate and preloaded with
sexism so it must be replaced by tattoos and rebuses. Queers are driven to reproduce
by Xerox instead of biology. Profusely illustrated throughout." (review from
zine explosion #20) (D-52/$?) Lisa Bonet,
926 N 3rd Ave, Tucson, AZ 85705, USA (added
04/07/2004) |
(KY/US) |
is a pro-girl zine that is dedicated to supporting and promoting independent music,
art, and culture--whether it's made in big cities or the tiniest of towns. Publisher/Editor:
Hillary Harrison.
PO Box 575 Louisville, KY 40201. email: hillary [AT]
(added 11/17/2003)
(MI/USA) |
boys all say they want to fool around. I do; too.”Anna had an intense relationship
that came to an end. She seems to be doing fine. If you want to try to sort it
out yourself then pick up this zine....
peaches48228 [AT]
PO Box 7987
ann arbor, MI 48107-7987 (added
(NJ/US) |
new online zine featuring "A Man Explains Things That Annoy Women, Romance
Readers Unite!, CUNT: An Interview with Inga Musci" and articles "The
Strive to be Pencil Thin, Self Help For Twentysomethings, Women Who Love Sex,
Geeks Are People Too!, Violence on Women, Getting a Life Coach, Women and Casual
Sex, The Origins of Mother’s Day" etc. $1 per month. Jaime E Fischbach,
Editor-in-Chief editor [AT]
Betty Magazine 1175 Marlkress Road
PO Box 1032
Cherry Hill, NJ 08034,
05/26/2003, website inactive 02/02/2006 )
mountain support organizing manual (WA/US) |
put this zine together after months of working closely on supporting dineh (navajo)
resistance in arizona. we wanted to share as much as possible of what we learned
in the hopes that it will help others doing this type of vital work." By
the Olympia Big Mountain Support Group which "is a group of Evergreen students
and community members dedicated towards raising consciousness concerning the historical
relationship between colonialization and indigineous people." You can order
the zine at: planting
seeds community awareness project
PO Box 11452
Olympia, WA 98508, USA
info [AT]
05/16/2003) |
(WA/US) |
intent is to tell you how to grow healthy food in the city."By Emily Smith.
You can order her zine at:
seeds community awareness project
PO Box 11452
Olympia, WA 98508, USA
info [AT]
05/16/2003) |
| "A
short novel, or a long story, or four short stories, depending on how you look
at it. Schizophrenia, eating disorders, self-defeat. This does not have a happy
ending." Order directly: Heather Lynn, PO Box
1671, Athens, GA 30603. $1
(added 5/9/2003, website inactive 2/2/2006)
(VA/US) | "All
you ever wanted to know about femstruation." A zine about radical menstruation/femstruation
with reviews on alternative menstruation/femstruation products and herbal remedies
with tipps how to make your own cloth and heating pads. By Lacy Crews, $3
crewslc [AT]
(added 05/09/2003) |
(US) | "Issue
2 of bizarreassociateions is about mind, body and culture as seen through the
eyes of an Asian sex worker with schizoaffective disorder. it's 18+, with signed
age statement, because there is adult content." Excerpt from zine: "This
zine is about self-representation, this zine is about interplay between mind,
body and culture $ about what happens when all three of these things are totally
fucked up. This zine is about me." cost: sliding scale, min. $1. By Batty.
email: bizarreassociate [AT]
(added 05/08/2003)
For this issue, I decided to write it in the form of letters. Sothere's a whole
bunch of unsent letters in this zine, directed towardsfamily (including the grandfathers
I never knew) and friends who moved away. I don't really know how to describe
it any better than that. Um, it's 18 pages, half sized and the covers will be
printed on red paper. You can get a copy by sending $1 to: Sue Taylor
PO Box 4316 Philadelphia, PA 19118
If you
would like to trade your zine or something else (I like mix tapes/CDs, pins, patches,
candy, etc) please contact me first.
sue [AT]
(added 1/5/03, website inactive2/2/06 )
Girl (US) | Bamboo
Girl “challenges the issues of racism/ sexism/homophobia from the point of view
of smart loud non-traditional girls of color, especially from that to feminist
Pinay (Filipina) mutt point of view."It's manifesto: To
challenge the issues of racism/sexism/homophobia from the point of view of smart,
loud, non-traditional girls of color, especially from that of the feminist Pinay
(Filipina)-mutt perspective. There's more to life than straight white male patriarchy.Pro-Asian/Asian
mutt, pro-female, pro-fuck oppression." This zine has been around a long,
long time and continues to be one of the best ones, thanks to it's "editress"
Sabrina Margarita Alcantara-Tan.
(US) | “Bitch
| Feminist Response to Pop Culture is a print
magazine devoted to incisive commentary on our media-driven world. We feature
critiques of TV, movies, magazines, advertising, and more—plus interviews with
and profiles of cool, smart women in all areas of pop culture.” A MUST. Read the
interview we
did too!
(NY/US) | Your
not-so-typical NYC grrrl zine featuring art, acticles, poetry, rants and
raves. Guaranteed to satisfy. price: $2 (to cover photocopying, etc.)
Made by Sarah. Email her at: brainsandbeauty [AT]
. |
(US) | Three
issues of the genial Brillo with wonderful Tampon-graphics! It has been around
some time by now but it still works... ,
on Strike this is resistance the way we see it
| "This
is number one of Bunnies on Strike magazine. Kicked off girl-engined: made by
and edited by girls. Our motivation for kicking off the zine girl-engined?
We have a riotgrrr-lady heart! (...) We want this zine to inspire girls and boys,
and we will definitely print articles by girls and boys in the next zine (...)
We want girls and boys to be open about their feminist minds!
for women with something off their chests |
a zine, now more like a magazine, but still devoted to gRRRls:"BUST is the
magazine of choice for today's sassy girls who know that Vogue is vapid, Glamour
is garbage, and Cosmo is clueless. Fierce, funny, and too smart to be anything
but feminist, BUST is "the Voice of the New Girl Order"--and the only
magazine for women with something to get off their chests." Also quarterly
published in print in NY. Now back in print!
Boots words and images from the front
lines (Canada)
boots …. words and images from the front lines "big
boots is a zine about resistance on paper, about the power of silent words and
art to inspire change, about women of colour reclaiming their voices and telling
their own stories. it is about experiences of oppression, identity struggles,
and disillusionment. but it is also about creation, survival, decolonization,
and dreams. we felt somewhat failed by the promises of zine culture. zines are
fundamentally democratic, participatory, and represent a conscious rejection of
mainstream media. yet, the inherently political act of choosing to "do it
yourself" does not, as we have observed, result in an extension of this challenge
into the content of zines and the homogeneity of zine culture. so here we are,
hoping we can change all that. this zine is not latently political, but rather
an act of blatant resistance in both medium and content. we are against oppression
in any form, but more than that, you'll read about our experiences with its various
manifestations and our efforts to fight it." send
submissions and inquiries to: big boots, Woodbridge, ON, CANADA
bigbootszine [AT]
| "the
world is a stage, blah blah blah…" Two tiny zines (#15) packed in a tiny
newspaper envelope! Alex puts her love and friendship stories into wonderful cut-and-paste
collages. Order this zine
from Microcosm Publishing: "Number 13 has sewn
on handmade paper covers with block printing. Edited again and again until it's
perfect this zine is 100% content. #14 has a more literary format telling stories
in the manner of Al Burian or Aaron Cometbus and contains the infamous, yet poorly
named "Anti-Girl Manifesto". Demonstrates a lot of real life experience
and Alex draws from old stories to make good points...#15 is two mini zines in
handmade envelopes about an old relationship and moving on. #16 is a split issue
made in one night with Joe about Fall, marriage, and funny stories. #17 was a
split issue with Korinna Irwin made the following night. #18 is brand new and
contains more about thoughts marriage, misinterpretations of life, androgeny,
thoughts on feminism, age, and the usual musings and reflections on relationships.
Alex also did a split with her sister about her upcoming surgery and how such
things are not documented in zines. It's called DON'T SEND ME FLOWERS and is 50
PO Box 14332
Pdx, Oregon 97293
Email: brainscanzine [AT]
$1.00 each= Issue #7,8,9,11,
50 cents= 12
$2.00 each= Issues #13,14
(DE/US) |
is my angry indie comic" ($1.00 plus 55 cents postage) Anne draws this beautiful
zine and put hers life as a graduate student and rebelling young women into little
cartoons (#16). Check it out! To order booty email her:
motes [AT]
Anne, Newark, DE, USA |
and the Amazing Wombat Presents
(NH/US) |
is the first issue where I feel like I really got things right. It's half sized
with 54 pages, a gray cardstock cover, and a little envelope of fun stuff glued
inside. Over four months of my life are covered, plus photography, fiction, a
new Dead Fish comic, Jimmy stories, and randomness. January 2002. $2/trade.? Baxter
the Amazing Wombat Presents Issue 8
This is the first issue where I feel like
I really got things right. It's half sized with 54 pages, a gray cardstock cover,
and a little envelope of fun stuff glued inside. Over four months of my life are
covered, plus photography, fiction, a new Dead Fish comic, Jimmy stories, and
randomness. January 2002. $2/trade." (Issue 8). Soon out of print (June 2004).
Meg also runs Gladys Sells Things :
meg [AT]
Meg, Gorham, NH, USA
Ready (?) | "This
zine is an attempt at resuscitation." “Somehow, writing all this, purging
these thoughts and emotions, eases my mind, gives me strength, and keeps me sane.”
by Zhenelle
Email: bornreadyzine [AT]
(CA/US) |
San Diego, USA. no email,
sorry. |
(CA/US) |
believe in the power of dreams.” Lynne L.
PO Box 20028
Barbara, Ca 93120 USA
Email: javat [AT]
$1 each = Issues #1,2,3
(PA/US) |
then when you realize that what you are doing now isn’t making you happy,
change it.” Taryn H.
PO Box 641
Warminster, Pa 18974 USA
Email: taryn [AT]
Bravo’s Punk Rock Guide to Saving Money, Fighting Capitalism and Having
Fun While Your At It
rid of your car and get a bike.”
PO Box 14523
Richmond, Virginia
23221 USA |
(VA/US) |
to browsing room, where the library meets home.” Tara, Richmond, VA,
Email: taramoyle [AT]
$2.00= Issue #1, $2.50= Issues #2
Dancers (MA/US) |
Dancers is the name given to the package if you receive both zines which
are: A Renegade’s Handbook to Love & Sabotage/Make Waves. “This
is an unusual format for a split zine, inasmuch as it’s not so much a split
as it is two zines in one.” Sliding scale - $2 - $5, four to ten stamps,
equitable trades Ciara and Tom
PO Box 100
Medford, Ma 02153 USA
(CA/US) |
This is
a split zine. “I’m probably gunna contradict myself because I don’t
know what I’m doing or saying I’m just trying to be comfortable with
myself” and “mad ravings of
a mad individual that just so happens to be me.”
$1.00 Lauren, Oakland, California,
(MA/US) |
is hard to keep caring about a world that keeps handing back the same hatred and
bigotry and homophobia and racism and sexism and classism and every other awful
thing you can think of as you walk with your feet swooshing through the fallen
leaves.” Want to mend your thoughts, and come to terms that you aren’t
alone when it comes to holding memories instead of material goods. Issue #4 proves
that it is o.k, to be 24 and eyeballing “stickers and play-doh and litebrites.”
PO Box 895
South Hadley, MA 01075 USA (added 09/18/2002)
the Middle One
(CA/US) |
I wish I didn’t know half the things I do. Particularly about my family.
Growing up I had the image that my mommy and daddy loved each other terrifically,
that they’d grow old together and move to the country and have an apple
orchard. Or something equally satisfying. But the older I get, the more these
images twist and distort until the people hardly resemble the figures in my fantasy.”
If your not submerging in Molly’s all too familiar anecdotes about shaving,
boys and school dances then you’re probably focusing on some of the D.I.Y
projects Issue #2 offers. Price= $1.00 or trade Molly 1045 Mason Street
#301 San Francisco, California 94108 USA
molly [AT]
(added 09/18/2002) |
Concave (England)
| “I’ve
often wondered why I’m writing a zine. I haven’t come up with a definite
answer yet. I think its because I want to show the world I exist and I have something
to say.” Rebecca’s zine is true to her beliefs. She writes about the
freedom to express that she eats meat and buys make up that is not tested on animals.
This is her first zine and she admits that once she feels comfortable coming forth
with her thoughts she’ll cut back on submitted pieces. By Rebecca, Lincolnshire,
(added 09/18/2002)
Beckyboo82 [AT]
Birthday Diary
(CA/US) |
love ripping off Office Max.” Cherry found several old journals that she
decides to share with us. The zine is based on these journal entries, which she
wrote on her actual birthday every year since she was eight years old. Cherry
PO Box 911333
Los Angeles, California 90093 USA (added
09/18/2002) |
(KS/US) |
guess some people’s lives are worth more than others. I mean some people
risk everything and some people risk nothing. I guess one way to look at it is
that some people are cowards and others are heroic, but that is how I see it.”
Issue #2 Volume #1 is specifically about Lea Ann’s stab at love and the
decisions she makes based on those sentiments. Lea Ann
PO Box 5959
Topeka, Kansas 66605 USA (added
09/18/2002) |
(Canada) |
a community of resistance for a dangerous journey toward necessary transformations.”
Expression at its finest written in a hardcore love tone. . "i wrote breedlove
out of the multiracial workshop I facillitated at Desi-Q, the LGBT South Asian
conference that happened in SF in June 2000, as well as to record the historic
Sri Lankan queergirls meeting that
happened there. meeting other mixed desis
and radical Lankan queergirls changed my life. *breedlove* is all about healing
the mixed-race ache, mixed femme slut stigma, being passin-as-middle-class class,
passing as survival strategy and crazy-maker & radical abuse survivor dreams
of revolution.
28 pages legal half size,
1071 davenport
rd., #b, Toronto, ON M6G 2C2, Canada."
Or write Leah at brownstargirl [AT]
(added 09/18/2002)
(D.C./US) |
skin color and accents don’t exactly justify being ashamed of where one
comes from. In fact, those are two of the lamest excuses, and whoever is ashamed
of their cultures for those reasons, needs to reconsider what is more important
to them: fitting in or who they are.” As C. mentions in her zine Brewster
#6 she doesn’t intend to come off as being nationalistic she is just very
PROUD of her heritage. Hurray for C!!! Price: Issue#6 = $1.00, Back Issues#
3-5 = .50cents each, or $1.00 for all three. charisma l.
PO Box 27714
washington dc 20038-7714 USA
(added 09/18/2002)
(TX/US) |
life and I are no longer at war. In this moment I am a butterfly girl. Utterly
transformed from what I was once.” Billie who suffers from “fibromyalgia”
is able to make life livable by writing on this theme. Butterfly Girl is a motif
of healing therapy for victims of mental and physical abuse. Billie
Box 33368
Austin, Tx 78764 USA
billierain [AT]
9/18/02, webpage inactive2/2/06 )
grrrl (US)
(dead link, November 2002) |
grrrl talks about riot grrrl and has lots of great links!
(US) (dead
link, November 2002) | |
(US) (dead
link, November 2002) |
Lindsey, Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Email: baby_girl_zine [AT]
$1.00 and two stamps each= Issues #1-4, $2.00=Issue #5
| A
real FANzine by Romy