(UK) |
"Uplift! is a new alternative women's magazine. We're not one of those women's glossies that advocates the starvation tips of top models and tells you how to copy the look of some Z-lister...Instead, Uplift! offers intelligent views, questions the media around us, promotes creativity and is full of gorgeous art! Uplift! is stocked in various boutiques in a few lucky cities (listed in the blog), but would love more! If you are a shop owner and would like to stock Uplift! please contact s
For those further affield, the magazine will soon be available to buy online!" Quoted from: http://www.myspace.com/uplift_magazine
sarahcharms [AT] gmail.com
(added 13/7/2006)
(Germany) |
"Magazine for women on the net".
Text: Sabine Fischer, Melanie Wieland, Daniela Künne, Mercedes Bunz, Miriam Rauh, Claudia Langeneck, Claudia Thomas, Gabrielle Hauser-Allgaier, Vicky Tiegelkamp
Flashanimation: Katja Kamm + Karthik Swaminathans
Design + Programming: Vicky TiegelkampInformation:
Boltz & Tiegelkamp GbR
Wollinerstrasse 18-19
10435 Berlin
+49 (0)30 41714640
tiegelkamp [AT] playframe.de
(added 12/7/2006)
Spread |
"Spread is a new independent magazine that works to 'illuminate the sex work industry.' Coming from a strongly pro-sex work perspective, the magazine is forum for sex workers to openly discuss the work that they do and challenge a system that marginalizes and oppresses them. The magazine is comprehensive covering issues from a male/female/trans perspective, as well as looks at sex work and sex trafficking on the global scale. In this issue: Richard Merrit, Tax Tips, Foot Play, Gulf Coast Report, Stripper v. Chris Rock, Hookers Debate Pimps and More!" Quoted and available to order from Microcosm Publishing.
(added 26/06/2006)
Sage Woman |
"Sage Woman is an excellent independent magazine. This particular issue has a lot of writings on the ocean and the sea. Stories of nature and goddesses. Also has some good recipes and great product reviews on books, tarot cards, etc." Quoted and available to order from Dreamers Distro
$5, 8oz
(added 20/06/2006)
Abolishing the Borders from Below
"# 23 – 5zl Anarchist magazine from germany all about eastern Europe anarchism. – especially about the abarchist federations. This issue is all about women and LGBT issues. You can reports and articles from all over eastern Europe except Poland – our the a-fem movement is described there by weird people). A lot of quite interesting texts on patriarchy, women traffic and interviews especially the one with a postitute." Quoted and available to order from Emancypunx Distro
(added 16/06/2006)
CaucAsia |
"The CaucAsia Electronic Magazine features gender journalism for the Caucasus, Central Asia, and Russia." (cross-posted from AWID Resource Anouncements)
(added 30/03/2006)
Women's Dialogue International Magazine |
"Women's Dialogue International Magazine is published in Tbilisi, Georgia,by Gender Media Caucasus Journalists Association supported by National Women Program Open Society Institute." In Russian. (cross-posted from AWID Resource Anouncements)
(added 30/03/2006)
Lola Press |
"The international feminist magazine edited by an editorial group, living in three continents. And with lots of authors from all over the world. Lolapress is the magazine that deals with women's lives, the regional, the political, the cultural experiences of women, the different kind of feminism and with a lot of other subjects.Our objective is to diffuse and promote the international debates, informing o the circulating ones and stimulating others." In English and Spanish.
(added 29/03/2006)
(México) |
Revista de las Mujeres en Cultura. México. Magazine published by and for women in México. There are many articles, reviews, literature pieces, biographies and more. Mostly in Spanish.
(added 29/03/2006)
Debate Feminista |
Feminist debate magazine which publishes esay, articles, round table discussions, studies and research work, interviews and more which deal with feminism and its debate especially in Mexico and other parts of Latin America. "Una publicación semestral que lleva catorce años y 28 números en existencia. Hemos publicado ensayos, artículos, reseñas, mesas redondas, entrevistas, debates, estudios, avances de investigación, relatos, canciones y recuentos, en una amplia gama de temáticas alrededor del feminismo, pero que no se agotan en el feminismo. Nuestro campo de acción quiere abarcar una región enorme: desde México y América Latina, hasta Oriente, pasando por el mundo industrializado, por lo que publicamos traducciones de los textos
que revitalizan y amplían el debate en el mundo, pero también publicamos trabajos realizados aquí, y muchas veces escritos especialmente para nuestra revista." Mostly in Spanish.
(added 29/03/2006)
MUJER- Totalmente Interesante
(México) |
This magazine is directed to working women with families who are interested in their self development and improvement. "MUJER Totalmente Interesante es una publicación dirigida a la mujer que trabaja y tiene familia (a todas la mujeres), procupada por la superación personal, obteniendo por ende, un beneficio para su entorno laboral."
(added 29/03/2006)
Feminist Journal
Articles, reviews, poetry, blogs, links on domestic violence, women in entertainment, sexual harassment, child rape, women PMS and hormones, and more.
(added 28/03/2006)
La Republica de las Mujeres |
Articles, reviews, news on feminist issues.
(added 28/03/2006)
Moxie Magazine |
"Moxie inspires women to live boldly, pursue adventures, take risks, and provide others with vibrant role models in the process."
(added 27/03/2006)
FemBio |
FemBio is a biographical database that contains information about more than 30,000 notable women around the world. The website is both in English and in German. http://fembio.org/default.shtml
(added 27/03/2006)
Multiple Shades of You |
Multiple Shades of You Online is a e-magazine for women of color. "black content for black people." http://www.mysoyonline.com/index.php
(added 27/03/2006)
Tertulia |
This is a space where you can let your voice be heard. It is a platform where women can denounce, inform and share. This can be seen as a step towards the democratization of the gender. "Tertulia nació con una idea básicacontribuir a difundir información sobre mujeres que fluye por Internet y con ello ayudar a democratizar la comunicación sobre y hacia nuestro género.Es un espacio de posibilidades abiertas y una tribuna: aquí tienes la oportunidad de soltar tu voz para darte a conocer, para informar, denunciar, compartir... Basta con que envíes un mensaje a mi dirección. "
(added 27/03/2006)
Tint Magazine |
In a world largely dominated by the mass media that makes women feel worthless, unattractive, invisible, and excluded: culturally and physically, Tint Magazine was created to speak to and celebrate women of every color, culture, size, personal belief, and socioeconomic background. Tint Magazine redefines the beauty of women, recognizes the importance of cultural, spiritual, physical, and intellectual diversity, and promotes strength, global & self awareness, human rights, tolerance, and respect for all people.www.tintmag.com
"QueerRamblings is a fabulous monthly publication featuring the creativity of queer women. I started this magazine because of the abundant talent in our queer community that often goes unrecognized due to limited amounts of paper publications that will feature queer-themed creativity. QueerRamblings is a safe space for all queer women! Promoting awareness. Encouraging creativity. Instilling pride. Please do send me your work to include in QueerRamblings. If I include your work, I’ll send you a free copy. Don’t forget that your work inspires many. Websites are fabulous, but you can't snuggle up in bed with one. Have QueerRamblings delivered right to your home every month. Don't forget to send a gift subscription to someone you love. It comes in a discrete package for your safety and comfort." Since November 2000.
QueerRamblings Publication
12800 Florence Blvd
Blythe, CA 92225, USA
For questions about the journal, contact Sandy --
sandy [AT] queerramblings.com
(added 02/23/2003)
Rain and Thunder: A Radical Feminist Journal of Discussion and Activism
(US) |
and Thunder Collective is a small non-profit collective of radical feminist women
in the US who put out the journal Rain and Thunder: A Radical Feminist Journal
of Discussion and Activism.
Lavender Lens
| Lavender
Lens: California's News, Academic, and Life-style Magazine for Lesbians and Friends
is published by Bixi B. Craig. "Conceptualized in March 2001, Lavender Lens
is the world's only glossy cover news, academic, and lifestyle magazine that reaches
at no cost an ethnically diverse readership of 30,000 monthly. The publication
has become known for combining progressive content with amazing visual presentation
in its regular health, political, human-interest, arts and entertainment sections.
With an annual growth of 400%, Lavender Lens has become the premier cutting-edge
lesbian brand, serving and representing the regional community of over 150,000.
The magazine is a resource for affluent readers ages 15 to 90, as well as for
LGBT friendly businesses across California."
editor [AT] thelavender.com
Verbalisms Magazine |
is an e-publication dedicated to women, hip-hop and women in hip-hop. We represent
hip-hop's forgotten face. Bi-monthly, we will bring you articles, reviews and
commentary about women shining their light in hip-hop including emcees, writers,
b-girls, DJs and more. We travel underground and mainstream to reveal another
side of hip-hop culture. VERBALISMS gives you a look at how women are affected
by the climate of the industry specifically and the world in general."
Fabula Magazine
This ain't your mama's feminism
is a forum for the exploration of identity in a world after feminism, a real world
where women and men are constantly making choices of personal and cultural import.
We talk about these choices while exploring politics, health, books, music and
film. Fabula presents insightful, current thoughts in a provocative format, and
in a voice our readers recognize as one of their own: This ain't your mama's feminism." Member of chickclick network. (Oakland,
| YELL- Oh Girls!
Emerging voices of Asian-American girls
- Oh Girls! advocates creative self-expression as a form of empowerment among
girls who are of Asian descent. Coupled with the anthology of writings by Asian
American girls, which was released by HarperCollins Publishers in August of 2001,
yellohgirls.com girls and women can and will engage in a dialogue about culture,
identity, and growing up."
| Aviva
(London/UK) |
internet magazine you can contribute to."
AVIVA is a FREE 'Webzine',
being run by an International group of Feminists based in London. We are providing
a free listings service for women everywhere, funded by advertising, and sponsorship.
AVIVA is an International Women's Listing Magazine which enables women all over
the world to make contact with each other. AVIVA needs the input of groups and
individuals around the world to provide information for free listings. AVIVA offers
to act as Website 'host' to Women's Groups and Services globally."
| Expository Magazine |
Magazine, or EM, is the home of Feminist Literary Explorations, a diverse collection
of writings that are centered on the feminist experience." (Thanks Lorraine
for the link!) http://www.tcdesign.net/Expository/
| Clamour Magazine |
Perspectives on Politics, Culture, Media, and Life": "In clamor you
will find something that interests you and connects to your life in some way.
By creating a magazine that is about real people and real experiences, we are
opening up the often one-sided medium and actively encouraging you, the reader,
to participate in the creation of useful media." By
Jen Angel and Jason who also put out the Zine Yearbook and organize the THE yearly
Feminista! The online journal of feminist construction |
is a monthly electronic feminist journal. Each month we publish feminist essays,
editorials, fiction, poetry, interviews, and book and movie reviews." The
current issue (Volume 4, Number 4) is a collection of external links about Afghanistan.
(San Francisco)
Ms. Magazine |
grand dame of feminist publications! (Publishing since 1971, bimonthly, New York)
ChickClick |
Swanson brought ChickClick into the web. The site functions as a roof for several
magazines – like EstroNet.
old enough to know better |
American grrrl magazines (Maxi, Bust, Minx, Wench, gURL, Hues and Women's Room) are collected in EstroNet. EstroNet has been initiated from women of the magazine
Maxi.Geared towards women.
Wench...feminism, issues, politics and culture
is a guide to the choices of the next millennium. Full of articles and essays,
frank criticism, insightful commentary and a biting sense of humor, Wench charts
the social and political terrain in which women live, and helps women and men
alike understand where we all need to go." Member of chicklick too. http://www.wench.com/
Women & Performance |
non-profit feminist journal, available in print: "A
vital forum for discussion on gender and representation, Women & Performance features essays, scripts, interviews and articles on performance from interdisciplinary
feminist perspectives. We encourage dialogue between varied fields of performance
scholarship (...), and explore emerging feminist critiques of race, ethnicity,
class, sexuality, technology and nation....With each issue, the journal seeks
to reaffirm its commitment to feminist writing, and to extend and reformulate
notions of performance and performativity, so as to advance, challenge or reinvent
issues critical to ongoing discussions surrounding gender and sexuality. We are
also committed to serving women's groups and feminist theorists at a national
and international level."
Maxi Magazine
"As urban women, we have certain common experiences - from the way we see the world
to the way the world sees us, from the products we buy to the media we consume,
from the things we are told to the beliefs that we actually hold. Maxi is a place
to talk about those experiences, where we can read intelligent thoughts on the
issues and objects that have meaning in our lives, whether it's lipstick or politics
or sex. We believe in looking at the positive as well as the negative. Women need
a friendly environment in which to empower and inspire ourselves; in response
to that need, we've created Maxi." (Member of chickclick)
Room of one's own |
of Canada's oldest literary magazines, Room has been a forum in which,
for more than 20 years, women have been sharing their unique perspectives on the
world, each other and themselves.” A forum in which women can share their unique
perspective on the world, each other and themselves. Room of One's Own magazine
is a collection of short stories, poems, art and reviews by, for and about women.
Girlfriends Magazine |
politics and entertainment from a lesbian perspective."
On the Issues - The Progessive Woman's Quarterly |
The Issues is a magazine of fresh, independent thinking. Quite simply, it is published,
edited, and written because women's lives, women's thinking, women's votes, women's
power...matter. We're controversial and challenging, visionary and vocal, provocative
and passionate. On The Issues is at the cutting edge of ideas, policy, and activism.In
On The Issues you'll find articles on international and domestic affairs, political
analysis, philosophy, religion and spirituality, health and medicine, arts, culture,
social and personal issues. We also report regularly on the new frontiers women
are continually crossing, from science to sexual politics to sports."
W.I.G. magazine for [fierce] Women in General |
hope that the W.i.g. website will get you stoked on life and Women in General.
Never before has there been a place that taps into women's culture worldwide,
giving you the real dish on sports, art, music, and life so deeply, that you can
feel its heartbeat."
Dream Catcher |
CATCHER is a magazine for girls by girls and about girls to express their spirit,
courage, fear and strength. We hope this magazine will light the way for every
girl to be themselves in a world thats trying to make them like everyone else. If
you are a girl or know of a girl who wants to make the most out of her life, then
this is the magazine for you. You might be trying to figure out what's most important
to you, or you might want to discover what really makes you the person you are.
Maybe you feel like you've got most of those things pretty much figured out. No
matter what is on your mind, as you read through the pages of Dream Catcher, the
stories, articles and pictures will inspire you, make you think and most importantly
leave you with the impression that, no matter what you are experiencing in your
own life, you are not alone. Our
premier issue features stories about looking good and feeling good, mothers throughout
time, the best summer camp experience, living in a large family, how to host a
full moon party, crafts and games you can do with your friends and family, gift
ideas for Mother's Day and Father's Day, and much much more."
by Ayana, 11, Kierra, 11, Genisis, 12, Feleighsha, 11, Katherine 10, Michelle,
and Rona
Dream Catcher, Miami, FL, United States
dcmag [AT] hotmail.com
| Lone
Star Ma: The Magazine of Progressive Texas Parenting and Children's Issues
(TX/US) |
Star Ma is my new (there've been three issues) magazine about...progressive Texas
parenting and children's issues. It is very left-leaning political and attachment-parenting
oriented; sort of Mothering meets the Texas Observer, I like to say. To entice
folks to subscribe, I will send a free sample issue (while supplies last) if they
send me their address:
Lone Star Ma
PO Box 3096
Corpus Christi
Texas 78463-3096
| Women Who Rock |
women in music.
| LA's Feminist News Magazine | http://www.femmagazine.com/
magazine isn't named for one woman-certainly not me-but rather a whole multicultural
collective of women who find themselves represented by the word "other." We don't care if you're African American, Latina, Asian American, Middle Eastern,
Jewish, or Italian. We don't care if you're gay or straight or adventurous enough
to not label yourself. We don't care if you're 16 or 64. If you're a woman who
hears the word other and thinks of yourself, if you live in a world where wonderland
co-exists with day-to-day living, if you insist upon viewing the world through
your own looking glass, then Alice magazine is for you. Regardless of your name."
The Magazine of New Girly Life
stylish blend of activism, academic glamour, porn and pop trash! Muffy, the magazine
of New Girly Life, is chock full of pop quizzes, horoscopes, book, music, and
film reviews, DIY projects, blushingly honest narratives, potty-mouth sex talk,
and political analysis that actually has something to do with your life. Muffy
is based in Sarasota, Florida and San Francisco, California."
(CA/US) |
is, first and foremost, an ideology: being yourself, doing the best you can at
everything you do and having fun, independence and consideration, knowing that
goals are made to be challenged - not just reaching but going beyond your potential,
learning through a combination of experience and attention to the successes and
failures of those who have come before. The ideology is asserted through action.
withitgirl is about people doing things with the support of other people doing
things, in a long chain of causes and effects that does not begin or end anywhere
in particular. withitgirl arrives somewhere along that path - here and now - to
participate in the development of ideas and action. withitgirl.com is part of
this assertion. Through writing, imagery, design, and technology, we will be providing
resources and outlets within our Sports and Lifestyle categories. You will find
all kinds of perspectives here expounding on all kinds of topics: professional
athletes, artists, musicians are featured alongside those just starting out, and
budding writers share the same space as those with extensive experience in the