Voluntary Transaction
(US?) |
"Trying to figure out who you are - feeling in the middle of just about everything and bauncing back and forth. I think we've all been there. Ami shares her own feelings on the subjects - eating habits, body image, sexuality, mental illness, school, life, death and more." Quoted and available to order from Moon Potatoes Distro.
$1 / 48p / quarter / 2 oz
(added 29/06/2006)
(BC/Canada) |
"Keri makes this comp zine about vulnerability and sexuality to help others find their voice and create empowerment thru letting go of the guilt. from street harassment, assualt,abuse, and a critique of "behavoir modification" and a listing of resources in her community for survivors. DISCLAIMER: May be triggering to survivors of abuse and/or assualt." Quoted and available to order from HousewifeXcore Distro.
(added 26/06/2006)
A Vegetarian State
"Emily tackles the issue of animal liberation in this essay turned zine. Vegannism, factory farming and modern american culture are all dissected and critiqued." Quoted and available to order from HousewifeXcore Distro.
(added 26/06/2006)
The Vancouver Five: armed struggle in canada
(Canada) |
"J.Campbell. In 1981 and 1982 several bombings against a hydro sub-station, an arms manufacturer and three pornographic video stores) were carried out in Canada under the banner of Direct Action and the Wimmin’s Fire Brigade. When five members of the Vancouver anarchist scene were arrested for these attacks they became known as the Vancouver Five – this is an account of the politics and practice, successes and errors of the Five and their supporters."
Quoted and available to order from Emancypunx Distro
20pgs A5, Kersplebedeb - 6 zł
(added 16/06/2006)
(VA/US) |
"...dripping with sentiments of sisterhood. There is a thing about traveling the world with another girl, poetry, emotions, a really good quote about what could have happened from “Go Fish”, a cool comic about safe sex, being jealousy of boy celebritydom, a reprint of “Falling in Love: A Passion Play”, a “Xena” conterfold, which thrilled me!, lots of thoughts on Christianity, women in punk, anti-biphobia, an inspiring article about how one of the editors got involved with Riot Grrrl and what it means to her, and more. 5 1/2” x 8 1/2”, 40 pages." (from Riot Grrrl Review #3 http://us.geocities.com/marmaladejackson/four.html)
To order issue #4, write to:
16737 Flanders St. Granada Hills, CA 91344
$1 and 2 stamps? or trade
(added 31/03/2006)
(VA/US) |
"Rebecca writes about her new baby alot this time, what she’s being doing since he was born, stories about her grandmother, thoughts on censorship from her readers, fashion gripes, craft ideas, and more. Rebecca’s drawing style is really swell! 5 1/2” x 8 1/2”, 32 pages." (from Riot Grrrl Review #3 http://us.geocities.com/marmaladejackson/four.html)
To order issue #25, write to:
828 Brownwood Dr. Roanoke,
VA 24017
$1 + 2 stamps
(added 31/03/2006)
(Poland) |
"The cover says “100% Femina Anarcho Zine”. The whole thing is in Polish, so I can’t read it, but it looks pretty cool. The cover is a vewry angry-looking woman spewing massive chunks. Yum. 6” x 8”, 48 pages." (from Riot Grrrl Review #3 http://us.geocities.com/marmaladejackson/four.html)
To order issue #6, write to:
PO Box 145 02-793
Warszawa 78 Poland
(added 31/03/2006)
la Mama! The Radical Parenting Zine (Seattle, WA, USA) | Summer
2003, Issue #2: Affirmative Action, Bookmobiles, The Zen of Being Ten, TV Free,
Mothers of the Revolution, Resistance in Palestine, Lactivism Women's Health,
Book, Music, and Zine Reviews & more... Individual zines are $2, One-Year
Subscription (4xyr) is $8. Issue #1 is also available! Mail well-concealed cash
to: Viva la Mama! P.O. Box 28476 Seattle, WA 98118. Or Paypal to: wildcraft [AT] speakeasy.net.
Viva la Mama! is also available at these locations in Seattle: Left Bank Books,
Confounded Books, Bootyland.
| The
Village Bike (Brisbane,
Australia) | "Feminist,
cultural, personal musings, catharsis, creativity, spreading the word." 'What
impact have zines had on your life? By finding out about zine culture I have totally
found what I have been looking for all my life. An outlet and a place to read
the real opinions of people who matter and to see amazing creativity and create."
Email Loocy: loocy_n [AT] yahoo.com.co.uk (added 6/1/2004)
(GA/US) | A
"contagious fiction " zine by Heather Lynn. Verbosa conists of five
short stories about five kids tortured by their own minds. In a great writing
style heather lynn gives you an insight into their worlds. "a collection
of 5 short stories ("imaginary numbers", "the savior", "the
dance", "the basement", and "monster") written and compiled
several years ago.a few essays on my philosophy of writing (dubbed "word
terrorism") and lots of hott polaroids." A
great read! Order directly: Heather Lynn,
PO Box 1671,
Athens, GA 30603
(added 5/9/2003, website inactive 13/02/2006)
| Vena
(AK/US) |
Cave is a summer documentary of life in the Northland: Alaska and beyond. Every
summer I come home and learn more about this beautiful crazy place. I have included
journal entries from my hitch hiking trip from Haines, Alaska to the Yukon Territory
of Canada. There are other letters, thoughts, photographs, and drawings from my
3 months spent in the last frontier." By Patrice.
honeymoontonight [AT] yahoo.com.
Her livejournal is located at: http://www.livejournal.com/users/automata/.
| Venus
Zine (US) | "Amy
Schroeder started Venus when she was a freshman at Michigan State University in
1995. It started as a 12-page rant-and-rave rag that covered topics ranging from
radical feminism to her friends' bands to the discovery that Schroeder was in
fact a Midwesterner with a funny accent. Venus now publishes four times a year,
and each issue is about 50 pages. Venus is a feminist resource and focuses primarily
on women who make music. Venus also covers do-it-yourself culture and women artists
and writers. More often than not, Venus includes interviews with female musicians
who do things the hard way: independently. The majority of artists covered in
Venus (past issues have included interviews with Le Tigre, Sleater-Kinney's Corin
Tucker, Hanin Elias of Atari Teenage Riot, and Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth) record
for independent labels or are major contributors to the do-it-yourself community."
One of my favorite zines!!! Now based in Chicago.
| Valiant
Vocabulary (US) |
“Last night I was thinking about someone
else entirely. Someone very real, very tangible, very alive, and even very special…thought
not really to me. But I had myself convinced otherwise, and that was the real
point. I wasn’t thinking about you.” Love rubs, and it also knows
how to scrape. By Ollie.
allamericanzero [AT] truepunk.com
(added 11/30/02) |
(US) |
not only her zine but also runs a zinester discussion list. http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Gallery/5054/
zinestuff.html |
(US) |
This zines is about feminism!! Molly
dugs deep into the feminist movement and shares facts and
her ideas. She ends ironically: "Given the problems heterosexuals face, would
you want your children tp be heterosexual? Would you consider reparative therapy?"
Cool gRRRl zine!! mollyt [AT] uwm.edu
| Vortex
(New Zealand) |
4.0: the writing in this issue is typewritten documentation of my 2001, and
includes pieces about personal geographies, bars and transience, relationships
as dramas that can't completely be controlled by a single actor, sportsfighting,
the writing process, my relationship with my father, the improv theatre i'm involved
in, communications and connections and cyberspace & an appendix of influences.
some stuff's reprinted from my online journal, while other bits are new. it is
40 pages, a6 landscape, and has a geometric aesthetic, with typewritten words
over mathematical page backgrounds taken from a book about sacred geometry. it's
NZ$1.50 to anywhere in new zealand [plus a stamp if you're nice], & $2 US
ppd to anywhere in the world. email me before sending trades. p o box 7793, wellesley
street, auckland, new zealand."
PO Box 7793
Street Auckland 1036 New Zealand Email:
amanda [AT] vortex.net.nz http://www.vortex.net.nz
| Vinnie's
(Australia) |
"I am dangerously informed op shop wise."
PO Box 1879
Strawberry Hills 2012
Australia | Varla's
passed out again... (UK) | A
grrrl zine from Essex, England. Cool cut-and-paste collages, scribbles!
red_chidgey [AT] yahoo.com
| | |