Don't Be a Scab
"don't be a scab #4 is a perzine by Carmen Keck. it has little stories about knitting, vacations at the beach, day trips, cookie baking contests (with a recipe), being short & more! its also accented throughout with her lovely drawings. 1/6 legal, 48pgs. 23g [$1.25us / $1.50cdn]." Quoted and available from
(added 13/7/2006)
Do as I Say, Not as I Do: Family Lessons to Unlearn
"A perzine about bringing a transgender boyfriend home to meet the family on Thanksgiving. This tale of a not-so-liberal family and a search for acceptance is presented with humor and cute illustrations." Quoted and available to order from Moon Potatoes Distro.
75c / 24p / quarter / .5 oz
(added 29/06/2006)
(US) |
"Subtitled "a zine of of discontentment" this is a zine depicting the life of a once overly sensitive girl who grew up to be a cold heartless bitch who feels nothing...or at least tries to. What happens when you reach the social breaking point." Quoted and available to order from Moon Potatoes Distro.
$1 / 20p / half / .5 oz
(added 29/06/2006)
Day Xanadu
"Kristen DeLuca’s perzine that started the entire MyownBrain revolutoion! An imperfect, extremely personal literary magazine that is out to prove art is everywhere! You just have to know where to look for it. Full of poetry, stories artwork and the occasional fiction piece and angry letters. Old skool, cut n bleed layout, keeping the spirit of DIY alive." Quoted and available to order from MyOwnBrain Productions.
Issue #8 (full size) $2.00 plus $1.50 S+H
(added 29/06/2006)
Dear Diary: Mostly True Stories
"The way Stephanie talks to her "diary" is the way a best friend talks to you. It's like finding that vinyl Jem and the Holograms diary with the mini lock unlocked & flipping through & only reading the good stuff, the almost true journal entries that span a period of two years of one girl's life. Don't forget to put it back where you found it or she might know you looked!" Quoted and available to order from My My Distro.
22p & 1/4 letter > $2.00
(added 28/06/2006)
Damn Engine |
"A truly well-written perzine by Meredith of Sweet Anthem Press & Distro. These zines are oh-so-poetic and simply beautiful. Meredith is open and willing to share her experiences, and by the end of this zine, you will know that there is common ground between you." Quoted and available to order from Tastes Like Newsprint Distro
(added 21/06/2006)
Dusty wing
"This is an all ages zine. Six to thirteen years old. Theres so many cute drawings in here and stories. It has recipes and the history of the old school game Hopschotch. The comic is smart/ funny and the art is cool. This zine even has a word search!" (Quoted in Def Crew Distro) Available to order from Def Crew Distro.
$2.00/ 1/2 sized/ 1 oz.
(added 2/06/2006)
Doris Anthology
"Many zinesters have told me how I just *HAD* to have this book. I finally purchased it and eagerly opened up to the first page. I was amazed, floored, and in love. Inside, you will find a collection of writings from Cindy's zine "Doris" that date from 1991 to 2001. After reading her stories about abortion, rape, depression, introspection, and moving on with life to become a great person, you truly feel like you know Cindy. This was published by Microcosm Publishing, and even has an ISBN number." (Quoted in Driving Blind Distro) This Available to order from Driving Blind Distro.
(added 1/06/2006)
Domestic Violence Info Zine
"A quarter sized info phamplet/zine created from the West Coast Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Inside you'll find the following topics:
Domestic Violence and people of Color
Saftety Plan for Victims of domestic violence
Lesbian and Gay Relationships and Domestic Violence
People with disabliFties
As well as national stats.
Note: this regular phamplet has been reduced to smaller text to save on printing costs." (Quoted in CS Distro) Available at CS Distro.
(added 25/05/2006)
DIY Bath & Body: How to Cold Process Your Own Soap |
"Brooke's description: It covers the chemistry of soap and dangers of lye, the equipment you'll need, what the ingredients do and where to find them. The instructional is very matter-of-fact - a "how to break the rules" tutorial because so many soap instructionals are way too complicated. After that, there are 9 different vegan soap recipes, whose additives and "fun stuff" can easily be swapped with other soap bases. Bonus instructions for vegan lip balm & body butter, and a useful list of resources/books and where to find ingredients (especially vegetable wax, which can be hard to track down and is the biggest obstacle to making vegan balms). " (Quoted in CS Distro) Available at CS Distro.
half size. 20 pages.
1 oz. $1.
(added 25/05/2006)
"This is a one-shot comic by Abby Denson, with a full-color cover and B&W art. It's the story of what happens to a ballerina barbie-type doll when she decides she doesn't want to marry Ken and live happily ever after. She meets up with an AWOL GI Joe, and goes to Dolltopia, where the renegade dolls live. This comic is very cute and fine for all ages." (Quoted in Wasabi Distro) Available at Wasabi Distro.
210 yen
24pp - 1/2 size
(added 1/05/2006)
Diy riot grrrl's blog
(US) |
Blog about various subjects such as sexuality, reproductive rights, politics, activism, and gender roles among others. This blog space appears as part of the CrimenthInk.Net/work.
(added 25/04/2006)
Diamond in the Rough
"The continuation of my perzine, I'm still in Mexico in this stage, and have changed format to an all hand-written, illustraited format. I tell my struggle and obsession with food and how I got to be the size that I was from a single perspective. I get to visit a Mexican Mall and am introduced to the, well, frailties of Mexican plumbing (complete with flies and water you shouldn't drink). A must read!" Digest Sized, $2.00. Issues #1 and #2 available. To order, write to Caroline Tigeress
PO Box 2267
Longview, Washington
98632 USA
(added 27/03/2006)
(VA/US) |
"...mostly essays...I´v also reprinted my research paper on Riot Grrrl I did about three years ago. But by no means is this an academic zine...." Issue #1 of this zine is available at Maybonne distro and shop, as well as in Effect Distro (UK) and Valiant Death Records & Distro (VA, USA).
(added 27/02/2006)
Be AfraMid of Feminism
(PA/US) |
Be Afraid of Feminism: An introduction for men, women, boys, ladies, girls, studs,
and everyone in between. This zine is an attempt to provide a concise, factual,
and accessible door to feminism. Free, you just pay for shipping." By Meg
who also runs Gladys Sells Things.
Email: meg [AT]
the Third Solanas Supplement to Dwan
(PA/US) |
interviews the manager of the building in New York where Valerie Solanas lived
(!); Donny interviews three men who know Solanas; a bibliography of man-hating,
sex war, utopia; Donny's take on the SCUM Manifesto; various correspondence about
Solanas. By the way, Dwan usually publishes poetry." (review from queer
zine explosion #20)
(D-64/$4 or good trade, free to prisoners)
Donny Smith,
PO Box 411,
PA 19081.
dwanzine [AT]
Donkey Lady Road
(TX/US) |
Lady Road which is about being a queer
secondary school teacher, local legends
and superstitions, interesting and little known sidelights in Texas history, gender
issues, road trips, etc. Right now it is available through Echo
Zine Distro. I also do trades. Anyone wanting
to see samples can read some of the posts on:
By Opal
4th The Writers Fanzine
(UK) | "For
ages I've read other fanzines with claims of superiority so may I just add at
this point if their are such things as fanzine battles, (I am luckily unaware
of such pastimes) we will surely entertain you all in being the grand masters
of word play, with confidence I write. We have achieved a place for writers to
compare, express, battle, respect and create without boundaries, no fences to
climb. IN ISSUES We envision and create alternatives to the bullshit way of doing
things. JUST IN are the latest pickings, we have delicious social observations
for your perusal." Poppyc has just published her writers fanzine 4th degree.
She is looking for more contributions form like minded peeps! Check it.
poppyc [AT]
(added 02/22/2003)
Jackie Susan Quarterly
| "This
is the home page for the ezine Dead Jackie Susann Quarterly. The only zine devoted
to preserving the memory of Jacqueline Susann." 4# issues of DJSQ
inspired by dyke/feminist/grrrl writers/poets/performers.
| "Your
guide to modern living & intersex relationships"
(NC/US) |
I have
heard people (ok, I mean Doris-fans) talking about this zine quite a while before
I could get my hands on it. Excerpts of Cindy's D.I.Y. Antidepression Guide were
reprinted in "The Zine Yearbook", Vol.5, 2001. Her drawn stories make
a great, touching personal zine. “I was not sure I should write it. I thought
I should write a comic book instead called how to not deal with your mother’s
death, complete with truth life examples of how to fuck up your life completely.
But honestly, it is not funny and trying to laugh only makes me mad." Write
her at:
PO Box 1734,
NC 28802, USA
$1.50 each
or $1.00 plus two stamps= Issues#5,6,7,8
Stop (STOP) (Japan) | Gillian
lives in Japan, teaches English there and is "not so proud to be American." Her writing not only covers her personal experience of living in the Japanese
society, but also lots of political (anti-war) pieces. Her zines (3 in 1) come
in a small envelope with a great image. Check it out!
Email Gillian under:ggb98 [AT]
(MA/US) |
PO Box 26
Watertown, Ma 02471-0026
deelish77 [AT]
$1 or 2 stamps or trade
Do It Yourself
need to build a community in which we can share resources and rely on each other."
"The new DIY Guide is here. 56 pages of newsprint tips and advice about all
kinds of important and fun shit. Paper copies of the first DIY Guide are still
available for a donation from CrimethInc. Urban Pirates, address." A download
PDF file is available at the web site.
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Not File Under Manifesto
(MI/US) |
"I know I am alive to inspire people and to create change." It’s
about traveling, being a kid, heartbreak and things that inspire me. Most of this
is taken from my journal or letters I’ve written.”
25 cents plus
postage paid
Jessika, Farmington Hills, MI, USA
Email: typewritercore [AT]
(OR/US) |
hate that hierarchy in art that says music (white boy with guitar is the most
important and most interesting kind of punk art, and it deserves the most attention
and all the other forms of art needs to take the backseat). I want to destroy
this- I think I can be a rock star with my words. No guitars."
PO Box 4702
Portland, Or 97208
Email: riotnotdiet [AT]
(CA/US) |
is worth my time of looking and looking I can now close my eyes and know perfectly
and exactly where everything lays in my life."
Rhe, Monterey, CA, USA
I am a vegeterian, a feminist, a Virgo, and a devoted Superman fan. I’m
also disabled- in a wheelchair- and have home care nurses 24 hours a day.”
"A very
personal zine. I discuss what it is like to be disabled and not being able to
communicate with other disabled individuals. Also included are journal entries,
letters (issue one has a letter to my deceased grandfather), and more." The bottom line of Issue# 1 of Driving Blind is to APPRECIATE YOUR BODY, MIND
Check out the interview
we did!
PO Box 656
Keyport, NJ 07735
Price: $1 + stamp or $2
| "Daisy's
Sewer is my zine that's just about whatever: it's 60+ pages of drawings, rants,
stories, DIY, emotion, thoughts. The first issue is everything I wrote thru the
2002 summer, and the currently being typed issue #2 is about hpw all that became
fake in my whole existance and who I am becoming. The 1st issue is a dollar, but
my plans are to no longer charge money for my zines after that. Thanks to everyone
and anyone who orders or even just syas hi or reads this." A very personal
zine by Kit about her private and school life. If only I would have known zines
when I was 14...
Daisy's Sewer, Rochester Hills, MI
$1 [additional copies
75 cents]/ trade/ two stamps/ a nice letter
Day I Quit Punk Rock
(VA/US) |
“The day I quit punk rock was the day I realized that it was just like high school.
I will never be cool enough to fit in. I give up.” (out of print, copies
no longer available from Sarah but Moon Rocket Distro in New Zealand might have
some copies left)
Sarah -
PO Box 14556,
Richmond, VA 23221 USA
e-mail address is antarcticist [AT]
of a Psyche
(AZ/US) | “There
were a lot of outside influences while I was making this issue, all of them telling
me what I should write about & focus on. I tried to listen to them for so
long that I lost the sound of my own voice.” Liz, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Email: lovehermadly18 [AT]
$1.00 each = Issue#9 |
Forget the Bread!
(IN/US) |
zine conceived by my obsession/ fascination/ relentless collection of found grocery
Corinna, Bloomington, IN, USA |
Send Me Flowers
(OR/US) |
is a time capsule. This is me and my sister creating together.”
PO Box 14332
Portland, Oregon 97293
Email: brainscanzine [AT]
(US) |
collect in the head like dust bunnies collect in the corner. This is the result
of some spring-cleaning I did in some free time I had.”
leannetan [AT]
Dances In Sunlight (Singapore) | “Dust
Dances In Sunlight is my first comic zine effort.”
babybluedots [AT]
$1.00 each cover charge plus stamps, trades are most welcomed
Plus Ungood/Soft and Sweet
(WI/US) |
zine.”I like tattoos and zines and coffee shops, trains and cigarettes and
guinness, big cities and books and orgasms. I like them all but I love Dan."
Jessica, Racine,WI
Email: disobedience [AT]
Stories (Australia) | ”So, maybe I went through the dictionary and wrote a story for each letter to make
up for all those years of forcing myself to write dull sentences and fearing their
ridicule by the sinister band of prepubescent girls I shared a classroom with.” Dictionary stories are an array of interpretations based on random words. All
of the words chosen for this zine are by Vanessa, who purchased a 1968 dictionary
for $2.00. This zine is reminiscent of an elementary activity, where one had to
write a sentence per vocabulary word.
PO Box 1879
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
howodd [AT]
(added 10/04/02)
(CA/US) |
are fucked times when everything in your mind is chaotically racing in circles
and you are pacing the best way possible and all of a sudden, things shut off-
that’s natural.” Pnanay is an
art student who shifts in accordance with locations, sunlight, and her views on
PO Box 931333
Angeles, California 90063
(US?) |
to the my parents, teachers, schools, institutions, cops, televisions, fashion
magazines, and to everyone who left more shit than they healed, without these
inflicted neurosis I might not be such an … interesting person.” Feeling
ambivalent or to anarchist to adore a page with your views? DON”T!!!! This
zine defines the POWER and IMPORTANCE of self-expression.
gravel [AT]
It Yourself (Canada) | "Don’t
sell yourself short. Charge what you need for your zine. Don’t charge one
cent just because you think no one will want it otherwise.” This issue titled
Zine Advice will provide suggestions on how to seize the means of production.
madcowzine [AT]
(added 10/04/02)
(D.C./US) |
“I’m off the lush, feeling strangely
calmer on some days and other days I feel like alcohol was freezing over a huge
lake of emotions that are resurging now, rage and sadness and joy all rising over
their shores.” In
issue #5 our protagonist shares why she killed alcoholism in her life and traded
it in for yoga and the mosh pit. We also learn about her cousin, Zack and his
experience as a peaceful protester who was wrongly accused. What I got from Zachary’s
testimony is that IGNORANCE is when those in power consider your voice a crime.
So, keep hollering!!
PO Box 50181
Washington, D.C 20091-0181
dodogrrl [AT]
Fall Asleep | “I just really want a hug. I really want to be hugged.” You try understanding
yourself and find lunacy to be a word that describes you. Well, that’s NOT
the case, because reading Christina’s zine just put into perspective that
one makes decisions in life according to what you want, and what you need.
allscrapedup [AT]
(NJ/US) |
of the most troubling elements of my personality is the complete “schizophrenia”
I have of loving people and being totally terrified of them at different points
in my life.” Vol. 1, no. 5 covers articles on having your eyes betray you
in elementary school to the point where you have to wear glasses, movie reviews,
comics, fear for antique dolls, growing fond of solitude, views on cloning and
other articles.
PO Box 6304
Hoboken, NJ 07030
$1.00= each issue, $10.00= twelve issue subscription.
(KS/US) |
“Life is no more than a job- everything is a job- must have a fucking job can’t
pay bills without a job- work- work- work. No more jobs…job…job. Where
does all my money go? …Ahhhh!!!" Issue
#3 is based on the customary necessity of survival, like it or not it’s
about money. Yeah, whether we have enough or just enough to lounge you still can’t
live an entire life’s worth waiting for it to fall out of the sky. Just
the mere fact you breathe is a finance crisis.
Overland Park, Kansas
morningsex [AT]
(OH/US) |
“I feel as though I’m naked when I read over some of the writings that are
in this zine. I’ve completely ripped off all of my disguises and clothing
and exposed myself, the real me. The me that I feel shame to admit exist. Should
I?” This issue draws on various elements that are vital to Jamie’s
life, such as what is on her stereo, commitment, Slitter –Kinney, the importance
of Punk Rock and other stories.
Jamie, Alger, Ohio, USA
SemolinaPi [AT]
Issue#1= $1.00 each and three stamps
by & for ladies in the biz
(OR/US) |
is a Portland-based non-profit created by and for sex workers and those who love
us (don't we all?). We share the resources we need to make informed personal and
professional decisions. Danzine is for any person who works in the sex industry
(commercial or survival), or who is an ally who actively wants to particpate in
our movement towards progressive social change. We offer support to co-workers
on related issues like health care, renters rights, cleaning up our working conditions,
domestic violence, drug use, fighting racism/homophobia, self defense, money mangement,
switching fields in the industry, furthering our education, life after the business,
and basically, empathy. In addition, we publish danzine, the independent publication
by and for sex workers." Issue #18 ($5)
PO Box 40207
Portland, OR 97240
(503) 234-9615
danzine [AT]
(added 11/30/02)
Digital Chicana
(US) |
Noemi, who is also editor of, puts out zines1
¦aged noise¦
"A 1/16 mini zine about a crush turned obsession turned more.
$1 plus a stamp.
Hermana, Resist is filled with past journal entries, sexualidad and viewing myself as a strong mujer, the term mujer, short stories, poetry, thoughts on home and isms, how my body is infected with the "white" enemy and more. It's available for $US2 (and a few stamps) from me.
Making of a Chicana more goodness from me, detailing when I came from Chicago to south Texas, the use of the term Hispanic in the area where I live, and poetry. It's available for $US2. You can send $4 plus 3 stamps when your ordering both or $2 for each if you want only one. Let me know if you'll be wanting one and what you're sending."
You can send your $$ to: Noemi
PO Box 809
La Blanca, TX 78558 (website not active, 3/22006)