Only Hooligans Write on Desks
(Canada) |
"There is a morbid thread running throughout this zine - suicide, self-mutilation and other destructive thigns are touched upon. But there is also lighthearted elements - comics and book suggestions making all seem to fit together. Written by a teenage girl in Canada." Quoted and available to order from Moon Potatoes Distro.
$2 / 40p / half / 2.5 oz
(added 29/06/2006)
Oh, January!
(US) |
"'My name is Chelsea and I am a girl without a daddy, or alteast that's what I let everyone believe.'
Perparing to see her father for the first time in six years, Chelsea talks about how it all makes her feel." Quoted and available to order from Moon Potatoes Distro.
$1 / 16p / quarter / 1 oz
(added 29/06/2006)
On Being Jealous of Invertebrates Vol. 1
(US?) |
"What is the difference between being an earthworm & being human? The difference is heartbreaking." Quoted and available to order from My My Distro.
8p & 1/4 letter> .50c
(added 28/06/2006)
Off My Jammy
(MA/US) |
"#15 This issue is subtitled, The Gently Used Issue. Articles range from interviews with garage rock band, American Hi-Fi, or Dorothy from Mole 2, to reusable menstrual pads and punk rock aerobics, to more. But no matter what Lisa is talking about, or who she's talking to, all the articles come back to the theme of this issue: Recycling. This fanzine travels all over but never strays far from reduce, reuse, recycle." Quoted and available to order from Echo Zine Distro .
$1.50, 2oz
(added 20/06/2006)
"#6 Legendary homocore zine from San Francisco! Bamboo Girl, you are entering a gay and lesbian free zone, straight girl, Velma & peppermint Patty, this is war, untamed youth, fat fucking bitch, queer portrait, the way to cruise: a guide for boys, queer not beer, wave of fag-hunting and murders in Mexico, BIKINI KILL, BUZZCOCKS." Quoted and available to order from Emancypunx Distro
72pgs A5, 6zl xero
(added 16/06/2006)
(US) |
"# 2 (fall 2000). American newspaper. Anarchist news, opinion, theory and stategy of today : protest rock world bank, autonomy and global capital in Chiapas, Mujeres libres, anarchist perspectives on voting, ABC federation updates etc.# 3 (winter 2000/2001). Fighting for Mumia Abu-Jamal, women in struglle, Lucy Parsons, our bodies are political : fatphobia, shutting down the SOA etc.
# 4 (spring 2001). Resisting globalization, on the medicalization of women's bodies, queers crushing capitalism, May day, finding hope after seattle, ABC Federation updates, state repression watch etc." Quoted and available to order from Diffusons Distro
diffusons [AT] fr.st.
20 p A3, 85 g... 1,22 euros
20 p A3, 85 g... 1,22 euros
20 p A3, 85 g... 1,22 euros
(added 16/06/2006)
Ocular Eclipse
(NJ/US) |
"This is a perzine from Maria in Canada (it is basically a continuation of her Time Out zines). In this issue, Maria contemplates her neighborhood as she walks around at sunrise taking pictures, coming out as bisexual to her best friend, and going to a Catholic school." (Quoted in Wasabi Distro) Available to order from: Wasabi Distro.
22pp - 1/4 size
105 yen
(added 01/05/2006)
Oh Boy!
(NJ/US) |
"...charming mini that mixes personal writing on depression (and shame), realationships gone bad, homophobic friends, insensitive boys that act like they care when they want to get laid, comix about her friend Dante...Plus, it’s all hand-written and completely readable! 4 1/4” x 5 1/2”, 24 pages."(from Riot Grrrl Review #3 http://us.geocities.com/marmaladejackson/four.html)
To order issue #1 or #2, write to:
58 Farley Place
Allendale, NJ 07401
$1 + 2 stamps or trade
(added 30/03/2006)
(CA/US) |
"Rachel’s critiques of different situations: ....when she got kicked out of her old band, an account of activism and guerilla street theatre by an anarchist youth group... that addressed Columbus Day, imperialism, and genocide, thoughts on why she would vote, even though she is an anarchist, anti-school thoughts, a run-down on a girl-positive excursion, and other little bits...a good mix of the personal and political. 5 1/2” x 8 1/2”, 40 pages."(from Riot Grrrl Review #3 http://us.geocities.com/marmaladejackson/four.html)
To order issue #6, write to:
21 Westbourne Rd.
Newton, MA 02159
$1 or trade
(added 30/03/2006)
Norway) | "OvaryAction
is an Oslo-based, Yeasty Grrlz- inspired fanzine that is distributed on a monthly
basis in the best Norwegian record stores and venues. The editors and collaborators
let their imagination and creativity run wild on feminist, anti-conformist-sexist-"rankist"
themes, enhanced with music that rock their world to the point of dizzyness. Interviews,
reviews, short-stories, burst of laughters (or anger and tears) and comic strips
complete the atomic recipe to challenge boundaries and suffocating categories.
Queer Freedom! OvaryAction and Babes in Boyland are deeply connected since the
former was created by half of the latter after she had moved to Scandinavia. Complementarity
has thus been displaced, not destroyed: southern and norther music tastes and
concerns are still closely related. OvaryAction is open to all who feel the urge
to express themselves in this free space. So send us reviews, reactions, interviews,
drawings, pictures... You can now hear OvaryAction on the net: www.radiorakel.no,
every Sat afternoon, from 4 to 5. Send us your demo!!! OvaryAction c/o radiorakel,
PB 6836 St Olavs Plass 0130 Oslo, Norway." Contact: ovaryactionmail [AT] yahoo.com
http://www.babesinboyland.info/pages/presents/ovary_01.htm (added
| on
the road to healing--
a booklet for men against sexism
| This
"is a zine that exists to provide a printed space for articles, stories,
art, photography and other printable mediums directed at critical theory and personal
reflections on male socialization, sexism and the concept of manhood. How have
these concepts influenced and molded us? How do they relate to all other facets
of our lives? creators: basil, with contributions by Chris Crass, Chris Dixon,
Loolwa Khazoom, Cameron Bustamante, Donald Cavanaugh, Tony Switzer, Jeff Ott,
Ahimsa Timoteo Bodhran and Michael Flood."
planting seeds community awareness project
PO Box 11452
Olympia, WA 98508, USA
info [AT] pscap.org
05/16/2003) | Off
(US) | Off
track "is about cities, weather, trains, art, relationships, museums, school,
lonliness, sadness, strength, belief, beauty, - it's about a lot of things. really,
it's a collection of impressions and it was written because i am always trying
to make sense of everything. the zine wasn't even intentional, it just kind of
happened. order info is available by email, which is bethv9 [AT] aol.com.
and currently, it's distroed by burning the letters and moon rocket distro. soon
to be distroed by vox populis distro. off track is 74 pages, 1/4 size. "
By Beth.
(added 1/24/03) | open
all the time
| "Straight
not narrow? queer-friendly-feminist? not homophobic? fucking, prove
it." (from #2) Angela is writing about the trans-exclusive policy
of the Michigan Women's Music Festival, her involvement in queer organizations
in Canada, on "White Privilege" and much more. A very fine zine!
angela, brampton, ON, Canada
email: irregular_youth [AT] hotmail.com
(ME/US) |
Pownal, ME, USA Email: octopus_head [AT] yahoo.com
| The
Original Yonah Schimmel
(Australia) |
“Here’s my amazing rationale for starting a zine; I was sick of relying on
Plyester’s Books to get my zines. Yep, that simple. I knew there must be
more cool zines out there and I wanted to hear about them, and get them. Stupidly,
I thought I might as well make a listing or review thingy seeing no one else seemed
to be doing it.” This zine is a demo according to Yonah. It is about reprints,
reviews, contacts and info. This zine review promises a lot if it surpasses its
demo stage. Price:
$3.50 each
PO Box
Lygon St North
East Brunswick 3057 Australia yonahschimmel [AT] bigfoot.com
(added 11/16/02)
| Other
(ON/Canada) |
zine is the result of no time, no sleep, daily thunderstorms, smoky basement apartments,
and a lot of laughter- who needs the sun, anyway?” In Issue #3 you’ll
be able to find Laura venting on self esteem, a job she had, dancing to Throwing
Muses, watching former friends become passerby’s and maturing while holding
on to her life. By Laura, Kingston, ON,
Canada. afisher [AT] cgocable.net
11/16/02) |
Write Wilde
(?) | “
Out Write Wilde… is a zine created for anyone who possesses a desire to
knock down the barriers of ignorance. It is a forum for limitless expression.
It is a place free from censorship. It is a publication that has abandoned confining
ideals. So all you tribades, fruits, artists, philosophers, activists, and non-conformists,
let your intellects rage, because it’s going to be one Wilde ride!”
Volume #1 of Out Write Wilde is truly enjoyable. Not only can you learn a credo
on gender, but also included to Catherine’s zine is an allegory. I better
mention that her ideas on reality check Barbies are an item that she should patent.
By Katherine. hrockdale [AT] hotmail.com
| Oppress
| Erin
already put out 13 issues of her print zine. She also has a live journal at: http://www.livejournal.com/users/oherin
| One
Bedroom Apartment
now three print issues (since 1998) http://members.nbci.com/onebedroom/ (webpage inactive 10/02/2006)
5 cents
(dead link, January 2003)
| A
site by Angela who likes grrrl bands (takes long to load) http://envy.nu/avantgarde/
| | | |