![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
you can find rebellious feminist zines: grrrl and lady zines, riot grrrl zines,
transgender zines, zines by grrrls of color, lesbian/queer zines and many others!
Dop me an email
when you know of zines not listed here or if I haven't listed your incredible
zine yet!! | ![]() |
more grrrl, lady and transfolk zines: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X-Z :::Spanish ::: Portuguese :::: German ::: ::: French ::: Italian ::: Hebrew ::: Swedish ::: Dutch ::: Finnish ::: ::: Polish ::: Slovene ::: Croatian ::: Japanese ::: grrrl comics ::: magazines ::: blogs Zine Distros |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
inc. English and Italian |
just begun!! Casa Discografica Femminile Femminista GiRls & MuSiC? I N I T A L Y Maybe in YouR CounTry ThIs is a Reality But Here, in Italy, thinking of a giRl-musIc community still sounds as an UtoPia. HouSeKeEper Inc. is not just a 'label', Housekeeper inc. is an 'all italian grrl project'. We ThiNk that in our sexist Nation the creation of a ReaL community 4 every grrl - who makes & produces music and art - iS poSsIblE. We BeliEve in the idEa that EverY artist must have the OppoRtuniTy to play and proMote her WoRkS, without prejudices, supported bY a TeaM that doesn'T thinK oF her onLy in Terms of prOfiTs and moNey. But also, We wOuld lIke to open Our couNtrY to ForeiGn influencEs! We dO oRganIze TouRs aND disTribute any KinD of MaTerials.. So, If u Play iN a girlBand,iF u aRe a solo artist, If yoU are InteRested in conquerIng 'thE olD ItalY', juSt seNd uS yr tapes/cds/7", and gEt in Touch with uS!!!" Housekeeper Inc., Lissone, Italy housekeeperinc [AT] hotmail.com http://www.housekeeperinc.com/ |
ROCKET! (Italy) | Issue
2 of CLIT ROCKET! is just out with the follow stuff: GB JONES AND THE BITH OF
QUEERCORE, S/HE of Minnie Bruce Pratt, DERREK JARMAN Biography, haum scarum interview,
world pride in roma & tribe 8 interview, haggard interview, raunchy reclkess
and the amazons, sublime mutations & del la grace volcano, me & kathy
acker of the sublime mutations, diamanda galas, p.p. pasolini, stone butch blues
of leslie feinberg, joan nestle, lesbian bithces, michelle tea! It's all wrriten at computer and in english language! By VERUSKA O.: <clitrocket [AT] hotmail.com> |
G | http://puntog.pitas.com/ |
demon queer zine | "queer
zine antagonista divulgazione di forme di pensiero libero non omologato e non
soggetto a condizionamenti. promuove la comunicazione omosessuale indipendente
attraverso l'espressione artistico-politica. antagonistic queer zine spreading
free non-conformist non-conditioned homosexual communications through political-artistic
expression." crew [AT] speeddemon.it http://web.tiscali.it/queers/demon/index.htm |
Grrls Play it Better | "...a
site about italian kick-ass rock n'roll girls! About so many band..even YOU!!" http://www.geocities.com/theladytourwebsite theladytourwebsite [AT] yahoo.it |
Grrls with Mascara | grrrls
with mascara è un blog con varie informazioni su riot grrrls e ragazze
che si esprimono con l'arte (musica, teatro, libri, mostre, progetti etc..) info: riotgrrrlsitalia [AT] katamail.com http://grrrlswithmascara.splinder.it/ |
Italia (Mailing list) | "Questa
mailing list e' per tutte le rragazze italiane, con scopo di incontrarci, discutere,
organizzare, scambiare info...." http://www.smartgroups.com/groups/rrragazze |
PoRcaMaDoNna distro (Rome) |
"This is the first and only Italian grrrl distribution since 1997." It's a distro for female/anarcha-feminist/queer/antisexist DIY stuff. Don't wait, get distributed in the Vatican city! Contact Giulia at: |
Tiskul Memukad (Focused Frustration) Herzeliya, Israel |
Vol.1- In Hebrew. Anarcha-Feminist zine from Israel by Daniella and NoA and the xAVSFx Collective (Anarcho Vegan Sisterhood Front). Print issued cost is 5 Shekels (which is 1$). Shovrot-"Hardcore punk against sexism" Compilation CD with Female fronted, Grrlz bands and All male punk bands songs against sexism.
more grrrl, lady and transfolk zines : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X-Z :::Spanish ::: Portuguese :::: German ::: ::: French ::: Italian ::: Hebrew ::: Swedish ::: Dutch ::: Finnish ::: ::: Polish ::: Slovene ::: Croatian ::: Japanese ::: grrrl comics ::: magazines ::: blogs Zine Distros | ||