Unlucky With Pets
(US) |
"Amusing yet sad stories/comics of Kelly's beloved childhood miniature dachsund, Coco, and the story of a roommate gone mad with compassion for animals. Also, a first date that ends with euthanazia." Quoted and available to order from Moon Potatoes Distro.
$1 / 40p / half / 2 oz
(added 29/06/2006)
Girls Are Not Chicks: coloring book |
"Girls are not Chicks is a progressive-minded coloring book by Jacinta Bunnell & Julie Novak. 32 pages, with color cover. Girls are not Chicks provides young people with concepts that defy and just plain irk mainstream non-empowering society and culture. In it we find a plethora of people devoted to breaking stereotypes. We begin with the ballerina who has a wrench in her hand, continue to a young girl wanting to overthrough a dictatorship one person at a time, to a clown who lives to do nothing more than make people laugh. From body self-acceptance to Loving each other, this book teaches people, young and old to accept important things and to grow, reach and learn. Bold, clear illustraitions, make it easy to color, and ending with a very entertaining biography of the collaborators." (Quoted in North West Zine Works) Available to order from North West Zine Works
(added 2/06/2006)
Lovely Ugly Cruel World
from the comic artist: "LUCW is a self-published serial comic by AR about important thinkgs, like life, death, cigarettes, and getting over highschool. A recent graduate, Amelia, travels through a wasteland of annoyance, along the way meeting a depressed writer named Francis and his computer geek pal, Sam. Much of LUCW is a rambling rumination on death, change, and growing up, told with biting humor and sensitivity." (Quoted in Lovely Ugly Cruel world website)
(added 02/05/2006)
-:-Art Babe-:-
Comics by cartoonist and writer, Jessica Abel from Chicago, Illinoise. "I am an ardent and declared feminist, not afraid of the label, but I simply allow my view of the world to inform my writing, not dictate it. My comics are implicitly feminist (because I am), but not explicitly so (because that’s not what I’m interested in writing about)."
(added 27/03/2006)
Jennifer Daydreamer |
Jennifer explores the realms of consciousness, metaphysics, psycology and spiritual experiences in her comics.She is currently working on a 60 page comic novella.
(added 27/03/2006)
(USA) |
As Austin English would say: Megan Kelso creates "non-pondering, to-the-point short stories" with her award winning comics.
(added 27/03/2006)
Likewise |
"Ariel Schrag returns with the sequel series to her acclaimed works Definition and Potential in this 40-page, magazine-sized first issue. In this issue, Ariel begins the chronicle of her senior year of high school with an attention to detail and the nuances of teenage life that is as universal as her own experiences are unique. As she struggles internally with her own infatuations and conflicts, she and her friends struggle to define "it" - the elusive quality that some people seem to have, but others don't. FOR MATURE READERS." http://www.slavelabor.com/Likewise Preview/likewiseprev.html
(added 27/03/2006)
Amptoons.com |
Homepage for Ampersand, online-comics done by feminist cartoonist from Portland, Oregon.It includes an extensive archive of blog entrie, political comics, and other links that discuss feminism and other political issues.
(added 27/03/2006)
in the Comix |
a gallery of superheros, readings, bibiography and links concerining
grrls in comix! Calls for collaborators!
Miromi |
sketches diary by miromi miromi, since 1998!
Girl Newsletter |
all you ever wanted to know about Action Girl Comics, heart of all
my Action Girl Projects...Here at Action Girl Central, you'll find
all sorts of Action Girl-related stuff -- info, links, fun stuff to
do...and the predecessor to Action Girl, the Action Girl Newsletter
is online here as well along with other zine information. Cooking,
toys, links, how-to-info, how to get the comics and what's in them
-- you'll find all that and more here." http://www.houseoffun.com/action/
Bitch |
to the web site for any and all information about the comics of Roberta
Gregory. Roberta is the creator of Bitchy Bitch, antiheroine of the
acclaimed series Naughty Bits. You can find complete plot summaries
and sample illustrations from Naughty Bits here, as well as information
about Roberta's self-published series Artistic Licentiousness, the
Bitchy Bitch comic strip, Bitchy's lesbian counterpart Bitchy Butch,
Roberta's history with feminist comics in the 70s, and other stuff
Roberta has done - including what she's working on for future publication!"
Robbins |
Trina Robbins has written extensively about women in comix , amongst
the great book "From Girls to Grrlz : A History of Women's Comics
from Teens to Zines" (1999). Her newest creation deals with bad
goddesses, check it out!!! .http://www.popimage.com/gogirl/
(CA/US) |
great comic zine by Tena!
PO Box 411194
San Francisco
CA 94141-1194, USA
bitterpie [AT] hotmail.com http://www.notyourbitch.homestead.com
Doing Comics List
(US) |
is the creator of Women Doing Comics List, and she tries to gather
every name she can find. (If you know of any who aren't on there and
should be, please let her know!). A really cool project, check it
of Lulu
(US) |
of Lulu is a national organization whose main purpose is to promote
and encourage female readership and participation in the comic book
Among the goals of the organization are:
1. to increase female readership of comics
2. to promote the work of women in comics
3. to offer networking opportunities and general support to women
in comics, and
4. to facilitate communication among women and men who share the organization's
(US) |
Tart is THE grrrlzine about
comics! About 70 writers, almost all female (I think they have like
one token guy), with all different kinds of opinions. It's an absolute
must-read!" (Elayne)
homepage of GoGirl! artist Anne Timmons (in collaboration with Trina