Carbon & Carbide
"carbon & carbide #1 a perzine by lisa cassidy that talks about travel & ibs, women in music & the library along with other things. aprox. 1/4 size, 23pgs. 24g [$1.25us / $1.50cdn]." Quoted and available from
papasmurf_44 [AT]
(added 13/7/2006)
Cats I Have Known |
"A hand decorated front made to look like a cat's face (very cute) is on the cover. A zine about the cats Sabrina has known and loved, and their stories. 1/4size, 28 pages. 21g [$1us / $1.25cdn]." Quoted and available from
papasmurf_44 [AT]
(added 13/7/2006)
The Charming Deciever: My Crush on Monty Banks
(US) |
"The story/comic about a lounge singer named Monty Banks that Kelly fell in love with one drunken night." Quoted and available to order from Moon Potatoes Distro.
1 / 12p / half / .5 oz
(added 29/06/2006)
Crafty, Fishy, Horny
(US) |
"A compilation zine from kerith of, Skuld of, Marla of HumpYourFanny Productions, and Kristen Day of This zine was over a year in the making, featuring interviews and writings by each of the amazing women. Photos of each crafty girl and a special edition silk screened patch with each issue. Each zine comes with hand made goodies by the girls, such as: hand sewn satchels, handmade soap, stationary, cloth menstrual pads, stickers, pins and other fun stuff! See what makes four of America's most inspiring zine divas tick!" Quoted and available to order from MyOwnBrain Productions.
(half sized) $10.00 plus $2.50 S+H
(added 29/06/2006)
(CA/US) |
"The first all two-wheel grrrl biker zine by Kim Riot. After much deliberation, I decided to dedicate a zine just for the support and encouragement of women two-wheel riders. Cyclette includes motorbike maintenance, pro-bike, anti-vehicle imagery, off-road gear update for grrrls, and the pros and cons of scooter rallies. [review by Kim Riot]." Quoted and available to order from HousewifeXcore Distro.
(added 26/06/2006)
Clitical Mass
(PA/US) |
"In the vein of Chainbreaker with a focus woman and trans empowerment, Clitical Mass is an awesome comp zine stories of bike travels, bike circuses, bike culture and various accounts of combating sexism in the bike community, how to's on dressing for biking but still lookin’ good, tips on bike self defense, and various projects you can do to spruce up your bike, like bike blenders and bike covered wagons. also included is a bike community resource guide like the slingshot infoshop guides. this is an awesome zine much needed in the bike community, and a definite must read." Quoted from HousewifeXcore Distro.
(added 26/06/2006)
(LA/US) |
"...typed with a cursive typewriter. In this issue Shelly and her contributors write about the history of the bicycle women’s fashions and how the bicycle changed them. how to make a belt out of an old bike tube, bikes ladies and harassment, bike messengers, how to fix a flat and two articles on bike mechanics and becoming one, this is an awesome read for anyone interested in bike culture." Quoted and available to order from HousewifeXcore Distro.
(added 26/06/2006)
Constant Rider
(OR/US) |
"Kate is back with a wonderful issue of The Constant Rider: Stories from the Transportation Front. This issue includes terrific articles such as: "celebrity" sightings, flying on an airplane with a drunk, and a book review of The Great American Bus Ride: An Intrepid Woman's Cross-Country Adventure. A must for those of you who can't get enough of travel stories." Quoted and available to order from Echo Zine Distro .
$2, 2oz
(added 20/06/2006)
Coney Island of My Mind
(WI/US) |
"A Coney Island of My Mind consists entirely of photographs Bree Friend, the zinester herself, took during a trip to... Coney Island. Of course, Coney Island has become something of a cliche both as a place and as a metaphor in American culture, but don't let that stop you from checking this out. Friend has a great eye - the photographs are gorgeous and the reproduction is surprisingly clear with good resolution." Quoted and available to order from
Echo Zine Distro.
$2, 2oz
(added 20/06/2006)
(WI/US) |
"#0.5 This is Concentric #0.5, because two of the three stories are reprints. The first and last stories, "A Grain of Salt" and "Real Life Conversation" are great, tight little stories, enhanced by the clean, confident lines of Lynn Lau's illustrations..." Quoted and available to order from Echo Zine Distro.
$1, 1oz
(added 20/06/2006)
Capital Frantic
(UK) |
"#1 Some parts deal with love, getting a wake up call, giving herself a tarot reading, and more...Throughout the zine she puts in different dreams she's had..." Quoted and available to order from Dreamers Distro.
$2.50, 4oz
(added 20/06/2006)
(Spain) |
"# 2 Great feminist straight edge hardcore zine from Spain, made by the girl from Drama. Gather, theWage of sin, Mad Ball, Vice Doll and more…columns , reviews." Quoted and available to order from Emancypunx Distro.
A5, 4zl
(added 16/06/2006)
(Canada) |
"# 1. Personal fanzine written by a canadian
woman. Texts about sexism, homosexuality, etc. Original presentation." Quoted and available to order from Diffusons Distro
diffusons [AT]
10 p A5, 16 g.
(added 16/06/2006)
Cursive Bomb
"This is a rad travelogue. Hazel has traveled to many different places.
Washington D.C. was one. She experienced being at the march for women's lives.
Being there she didn't have to worry about being 'caught alone at night.' " (Quoted in Def Crew Distro) Available to order from Def Crew Distro.
$1.00/1/4 sized/2 oz.
(added 2/06/2006)
Cupake: a zine of secrets
(US) |
"A zine that could fit in yr pocket so you can take it and read anywhere!
' This zine is a jigsaw puzzle od time, emotions, and relationships. These writings span several months. They are left over pieces of my xperiences. Some of them I want to forget; others I want to treasure.' In it is about a crush she's had, things saraellen thinks about of certain things that were said, and what the reason would be if she ever took up smoking. (Quoted in Def Crew Distro) Available to order from Def Crew Distro.
$1.00/1/8 sized/1 oz
(added 2/06/2006)
Chinese Chandler
"A lot of information about candles are packed into this zine. Elsie writes about
how she finds interest in candles, and the places she has learned to make them.
She even lets you know how to roll your own candles. This zine is layed out very
pretty! The history of candle making is in the special transparent paper. 'Chinese don't light candles for ambience; at least not in my family. Candles were used only when someone forgot to pay the electric bill.' " (Quoted in Def Crew Distro) Available to order from Def Crew Distro.
$4.00/1/2 sized/2 oz
(added 2/06/2006)
Chinese Kitchen
"Very awsomely put together. Elsie gives an sinight to what she eats. And shows us her kitchen and what she uses to cook. There's a lot of recomended tools. She even gives us a little treat that we can make. Part of the zine is so personal to Elsie about what she used to eat, that she gives you warning before entering that part." (Quoted in Def Crew Distro) Available to order from Def Crew Distro.
$3.00/1/2 sized/2 oz.
(added 2/06/2006)
Call If You Need Me
"This zine comes with a mix cd! With this zine i just let words come out of me without thinking about it, really. It's been a while since my last zine, and I didn't even think I'd bring Call If You Need Me Back, but I just felt i HAD to. One more time. My insperation to write was gone for a while, after this huge mistake, which is what this zine is about. The mistake. All my confusion is in here. I vented so much in this zine. It's crazy, but i feel better now. Everything I wrote is basically what a person goes through when they make a wrong choice in who they fall for." (Quoted in Def Crew Distro) Available to order from Def
Crew Distro.
$1.50/1/4 sized/ 1 oz.
(added 2/06/2006)
Chinese Sketchbook
"This is an amazing artistic zine, handcrafted, and beautiful. Inside, Elsie writes about her love of sketching, why she sketches at other people's homes, her favorite sketch tools and more! All of the pages are hand-drawn, hand-written, and hand-colored. She also includes a package with a crayon, a marker, and some scraps of paper to practice your own sketches. After reading this zine, I wanted to draw right away. This is one of those zines you keep forever." (Quoted in Driving Blind Distro) This Available to order from Driving Blind Distro
(added 1/06/2006)
Cartography for Beginners
(US?) |
"April is back and she is better than ever. This issue contains a hilarious run down of April's past and present neighbors, entitled "Love Thy Neighbor?" She rates her neighbors by giving them grades. They range from A+ to F- and the stories behind them are gut wrenching funny. But highly entertaining to say the least. You will laugh at this.This issue is packed full of yummy goodness. Definitely a winner! - review by Samantha." (Quoted in Driving Blind Distro) This Available to order from Driving Blind Distro
(added 1/06/2006)
Cultor Sore
"Covers screenprinted on paper bags and paperboard. This issue you'll find book, music, and zine reviews amid pieces of fiction and writing as well as a lot of other interesting reads. Compiled by Taylor Ball." (quoted in CS Distro)
Available to order at CS Distro
(added 25/05/2006)
(New Zealand) |
"...a zine about Genetic Engineering and New Zealand compiled by my sister Laura.
She writes: "My aim in making this zine has been to give an overview of the issues surrounding genetic engineering for people who, like me, don't know very much. This is not about the GE free campaign - it's about genetic engineering.' 'Laura explains what genetic engineering is, details GE experiments that have been conducted in New Zealand, and writes about Roundup Ready crops, insect resistance in crops, terminator technology, medical uses of GE, health risks, environmental risks, international experiences with GE, New Zealand's GE labelling requirements and GE in New Zealand's food.'"
Available to order at Moon Rocket Distro
44 pages 65 g
A5 size
$ 1.00
(added 02/05/2006)
"...a little pink collection of love letters. Not all of them are what you'd think they'll be. It's all handwritten and neatly formatted."
To order, write to:
Sarah R.
PO Box 816,
North Tazewell,
VA 24630
$1ppd by mail.
$1.37 via paypal or trade.
piratesarah [AT]
(added 19/04/2006)
Complaints and Disorders - the sexual politics of sickness |
"Working from the perspective that the medical systems is strategic to women’s oppression and liberation, this pamphlet (pre-zine days!) examines the medically supported roots of sexist, classist and racist ideologies that justify discrimination. Again, well researched and illustrated but easy to ready, it’s a great introduction to the politics of the medical industry, complete with an early 70’s feminist gung-ho that also makes it interesting piece of hystory that need not get lost in 'post-feminist' amnesia." Written by Barbara Ehrenreich and Deidre English. Now distributed by blood sisters (Canada):
(added 28/03/2006)
Cadillac Girl
(NJ/US) |
"Cadillac Girl is a perzine mixed with some riot grrl entries, issues, topics, etc... This issue [#2] includes personal entries about heart break and confusion. Submissions include poems about being a woman in Malaysia, cool pics, and a woman's wishlist."
(added 27/03/2006)
Camp Trans was founded in portest against the exclusionary "womyn-born-womyn-only" policy of the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival. (added 2/2/06)
Clark 8:
a week in the psychiatric treatment ward
"Musings on my first time in the hospital for depression and suicidal ideation -- what I hated there and what was good Thoughts on depression and cures and how to help a friend with depression. Thirty-two pages of thoughts, journal entries, drawings, and photos. Half size.
First printing May 2003. $2" By Megan"
megan [AT] Available at:
(added 03/04/2005)
zine. the home of SEX and CANDY. Dedicated to Politics , Music, Movies,
Activism , Philosophy, Sex, Love, Life, and EVERYTHING ELSE Your Mother
Warned You About. It is filled with interviews, articles, rants, and
pictures from both us and outside sources. It focuses on Politics,
Pop Culture, Music, Movie and Book Reviews, Life, Activism, Philosophy,
and everything else that interests us." Edited by Shay and Car.
PO Box 20455
Newark, NJ 07101
crashzine [AT]
is my favorite vegetable |
is a personal story of survival through sexual abuse and mental illness.
It may be hard to read at points, but it is a documentation through
questions of community, through identity as a feminist, and links
personal struggles to a wider context of opppressive systems." By Chou.
info: chou_rouge [AT]
(UK) |
London's Riot Grrrl site.
(website inactive 2/2/06)
racism resource guide (WA/US)
zine by billie rain and basil ( from the planting
seeds community awareness project) includes a comprensive
list of organizations, books and web resources.
can order this zines at:
planting seeds community awareness project
PO Box 11452
Olympia, WA 98508, USA
info [AT]
am a survivor of torture and abuse and have developed dissociative
identity disorder as a result. this chronicles six months of my
healing process as i try to understand my memories, my diagnosis
and my self." By firefly.
You can order her zines at:
planting seeds community awareness project
PO Box 11452
Olympia, WA 98508, USA
info [AT]
my heart (WA/US)
zine (1994) by Billie Rain who also runs the planting
seeds community awareness project talks about abuse: billie
is a survivor of incest, ritual abuse, government mind control and
medical experiments. "the reason this poem is so long is because
i am afraid... i swear my big ugly mouth is always getting me into
trouble and i'm starting to understand why they're all scared of me
so i'm trying to get a bunch of intellectuals to write a book about
it so they'll take me back."
billierain [AT]
You can order her zines at:
planting seeds community awareness project
PO Box 11452
Olympia, WA 98508, USA
info [AT]
me princesa!
(OH/US) |
the subtitle "proclamationof brats", bree of adorn zine
compiled quotes from friends, zinesters and distro-owners on why
they are princesses. some of the featured princesses are sarah of
the yellow
cape revolution zine distro, taryn hipp of the girl
swirl conspiracy, alex wrekk of brainscan zine, quail
of persephone is pissed zine and more! The princess recognizing
headquaters, Attn:
Bree Suzanne,
PO Box 9325,
Canton, OH 44711.
de los Trucos
(NC/US) |
lot of this zine is definitely triggering to other survivors of childhood
trauma. the only way i know how to stop the cycle is to talk about
it & write about it so thats what im doing." A zine about
abuse, phone sex work, abortion clinic activism; fatness, and much
much more. By Tricky, $1. karaoke_slut [AT]
Me Free
(AZ/US) |
Me Free is a non-profit organization working with artists and writers
in prison, essentially using expression to cause changes within both
the individual and the system. Our zine is a compilation of the art
and ideas of some very intriguing individuals at their rawest".
This is a quarterly publication put out by the organisation, publishing
poetry, essays and artwork by people in prison (fall 2002).
PO Box
Tucson, Arizona 85726, US.
By Kathryn.
This Zine
fat little quarter size zine has a unique, handmade cover and is about:
* How to eat organic food CHEAP - and why it's important
* Fertility awareness method of birth control and women's health
* Vegan recipes (macaroni and cheese, anyone?)
* Self defense
* Gardening
Plus a helluva lot more.Send $1-2 in stamps or well-concealed cash
Liz D.
PO Box 26329
Phoenix AZ 85068-6329
E-mail: lizdefiance [AT]
(NJ/US) |
is "a personal zine made of journal entries about fat/image
issues, the difficulty of being a first generation indian girl,
and other entries about love, friendship, and more. the second issue
is about letting go and friendship. i discuss my recent surgery
as well as my summer adventure with my family. In my third issue
of my perzine, I talk about closure, and change. I talk about meeting
people, love, and emotional breakdowns. i also talk about my beginnings
of being on anti-depressants. (which continues into circular #4)
obsessions (version 3!) and more! Circular 4 is one of one of my
most personal and honest zines yet. it is about dealing with anti-depressants,
changing seasons, letting go, accepting a changing self, being indian
american, unsent letters to boys that you need to let go, betrayal,
a sweet letter to a childhood friend (, zine reviews,
lists of obsessions (version 4), plus it ends with a cute photo
strip of the girls behind the zines, and so much more." By
kannan [AT]
(added 5/8/2003)
Cheap Vegan
(TX/US) |
Cheap Vegan #5, the DIY issue is ready to land in your hot little
hands! How-to make your own soymilk, pasta, granola, seitan, sushi
on shoestring, veggie broth, nut butter and more, more, MORE! Only
$1 plus a stamp! Issues #1-4 are still avaiable also, for $1 each,
plus a stamp. Buy more than one issue and you don't have to send any
stamps, just $1 per issue. Send your orders to: Stephanie Scarborough,
P. O. Box 715, Weatherford, TX 76086. PS-- I also have grab bags of
15 handmade envelopes for $2 each, shipping included. Send orders
to address above.
nurdsteph [AT]
(added 1/5/2003)
(Italy) |
THE BITH OF QUEERCORE, S/HE of Minnie Bruce Pratt, DERREK JARMAN Biography,
haum scarum interview, world pride in roma & tribe 8 interview,
haggard interview, raunchy reclkess and the amazons, sublime mutations
& del la grace volcano, me & kathy acker of the sublime mutations,
diamanda galas, p.p. pasolini, stone butch blues of leslie feinberg,
joan nestle, lesbian bithces, michelle tea!
It's all wrriten at computer and in english language! By VERUSKA OUTLAW:
veruskaoutlaw [AT]
(PA/US) |
noise#3/nosedive #12 split zine is a collection of linoleum prints
made by both icky and i, over the last five or so years. some, little,
writing; mostly art. $2.00 postpaid
Meredith st.
6784 Stump Rd.
Pipersville, PA 18947
this out!
Pop zine
her sister zine of Venus, it also features great interviews with musicians
like Kim Gordon, Le Tigre or Sleater-Kinney. Yes: Check it out!
site by Janice Flux (San Francisco) from where she distributes her
zine "Cutlass" as well as great feminist-anarchist patches
and T-Shirts.
PO Box 170366,
San Francisco CA
94114 , USA
Price: One dollar each.
Trades are accepted, free to prisoners.
feminism is not a scary word!
is an online zine with a big hairy goal - make feminism accessible
to everyone. It was created in response to the hoards of future feminists
who think feminism is unnecessary, or are afraid of the implications
of the word. We recognize that feminism is a loaded word, but it doesn't
have to be a scary one." (by April) Hey, what a great third wave
zine by two jewish ladies writing about their emotions and experienes
on Israel-Palestine.
malks [AT]
of a former high school cheerleader!
(formerly "bitchcore")
this small and beautifully written personal-political zine Tasha shares
her stories, experienced in 1999-2000. She talks about happiness and
politics, about punk and being African-American, I just can say read
it!! "If this zine feels disjointed and thrown together, good
this is a metaphor for a year of my life."
Tasha, San Gabriel, CA, USA. To order write to Tasha: tasha [AT]
CS Distro
is ChicanaStuff?
A fledging tiendita for Chicanas and Mujeres (women and women of
color). We are considering zines, chapbooks, spoken word cds, original
artwork, artesanias, and other such work. For more information on
the thought process behind CS, view the About Us page above.
Help get the word out that we are taking project considerations.
Noemi can be contacted using the email form below or at" Noemi Martinez, is founder and editor of, a resource
center and gathering nexus for Chicanas, forming an internet hermandad.
She is also the founder/moderator of Chicnews, a discussion group
for Chicanas, and ChicQueer.
(MA/US) |
"And maybe I have something to say that will strike a chord in you,
and for one darling moment our souls could shake hands; would you,
two days later, slouch down in a chair wondering what is so wrong
with you that you identify with me?"
Sarah. Chicopee, MA, USA
Email: sarah [AT]
plus 2 stamps, or trade
(CA/US) |
basically It's all about me, the stuff that I love/hate/like or
am obsessed with."
Santee, California,
= Issue #1
That Mind
(New Zealand) |
are stories of me inhabiting space."
Moira Clunie
PO Box 7754
Wellesley St
New Zealand
Email: moira [AT]
Moira does not only various zines (like underpants, life sucks)
but also runs the Moon Rocket Distribution
(Australia) |
write myself into corners, I debunk my thoughts with droning rationalizations
and cynicisms."
Candace Margret
PO Box 2277
Ringwood North
Vic, 3134
stroke_of_luck [AT]
(IL/US) |
PO Box 476802
Chicago, Illinois 60647
Email: lizsaidel [AT]
$2.00 = Issue #1
(NY/US) |
have created this zine in order to benefit both myself and others
with my frankness, sincerity of expression, and openness.”
Sarah Bee, Stony Brook, New York, USA
Email: candorzine [AT]
(CA/US) |
PO Box 93133
Los Angeles, California 90093
Please send two stamps
Kicks Ass
(CA/US) |
zine dedicated to the first kid.”
Nicole, Huntington Beach, California, USA
Coquetes Plutonicas
(Brazil) |
Gore smoked it. Al Gore smoked it. Newt Gingrich smoked it. Why can’t
I smoke it.”
Email: laluzineides [AT]
(GB) |
I do know is that these two little stories are wrapped up in one
another in such a way that they ought to be presented together.”
Email: i [AT]
(CT/US) |
number four in Michelle’s word is basically in equilibrium,
“ between nonfiction storytelling and hyper-intellectual self-reflection,
with an emphasis on the narrative aspect of the zine and a deemphasis
on the overly dense philosophizing.”
PO Box 200077
New Haven, Ct 06520
(WA/US) |
pushes past all my self imposed limitations on all levels and I
learn that they’re illusions. All possibilities exist at all
moments. I am as powerful as I allow myself to be.” “
This zine is mostly poetry and journal entries, I’m finding
poems in my quest for understanding and healing.”
PO Box 84171
Seattle, Washington 98124
(US) |
“Work makes me grumpy. Work makes me snap at my friends the
way I snap at the kids.” This zine is written from the cafeteria
lady perspective. It simply lays emphasis on the importance of respecting
those who make and serve our food.
grrrowl [AT]
and Girl
(NY/US) |
just like to remain unbalanced, unsure of myself- uncertainty leads
to crap a lot of the time, but it also leads you to ideas you’d
never find otherwise.” The drawings in this zine are just
so delectable and Dorothy is so constructive on her level of humor.
You will definitely enjoy Issue #2 of Cat and Girl. Price: Send
a $1.00 or trade or tape or sandwich
Dorothy, Brooklyn, N.Y
dgambrel [AT]
(CA/US) |
"I’ve tried to embrace, with some degree of success, the inescapable
element of Change, which often brings with it emotional upheavals.”
In respect to Issue# 5, Cat Butt author states, “ Followers
of past issues of Cat Butt may notice a more introspective, perhaps
even “heavy” tone to some of the lengthier personal
PO B ox 470263
San Francisco, Ca 94147-0263
(VA/US) |
"I write because I want to remember these moments, these days, these
nights. This life.” The issue I have before me has a plush
red colored heart, and an arm pledging strength. Catharsis is Cat
writing for the purpose of “purgation of the emotions.”
PO Box 1890
Midlothian, Va 23113
(OR/US) |
feminist is not necessarily a women who doesn’t wear makeup
or shave her legs. It’s a women who finds strength in what she
chooses to do with her body and mind.” Issue#1 is of Amber’s
various points of view. She writes on defining feminism and how she
feels about lazy Americans.
Portland, Oregon, USA
(added 09/18/2002)
(WA/US) |
seven is an idea I have and a fanzine I’m doing for a lot
of of them is that I’m in this punk band called
heavens to Betsy.” This punk band member takes several pages
to spread out her feelings towards the riot girrrl movement. Also
included in this issue are Erica’s thoughts on other fanzines,
record labels and other bands.
PO Box 7842
Oly, Wa, USA
(added 09/18/2002)
(IL/US) |
seems downright unpatriotic to start this issue of chatty pig without
a mention o f how life has changes since September 11, 2001, but
I’m not sure that I have anything interesting to say on the
subject. Like so many people I’m still struggling to grasp
the enormity of destruction and loss of life.” Issue #4 of
Chatty Pig is of “rifling takes on grown-up life.” Price:
Issue#4,3= $2.00 each trades are welcome
PO Box 06311
Chicago, Il 60606
chattypig [AT]
(US) |
“Cherrybomb is an indie arts
and culture magazine by, for and about real women. It's a space
for us to share stories, exchange ideas, and inspire each other
in print. Our goal is to create
something we'll all want to read and share with our friends--something
less academic than Ms, but still intelligent, and feminist; something
less trashy and fashion oriented than Cosmo, but still sassy and
funny!" The issue on “Cutting Out the Middle Man” highlights women making art, music, film and poetry outside the
commercial mainstream- ladies doing it their way, on their own time
and their own dime.”
Summer 2002= $5.00
(NY/US) |
“The international bible of perfect pop, shameless anglophobia, and
all things reverb.” Featuring Alison goldfrapp, Mimi Low, Trish
Broadcast, Pipas, Future Pilot Aka, Dudley Klute, The Montgolfier
Brothers, Laura Cantrell, Stephen Duffy, Emma Pollock, The Real Tuesday
Weld, Sam Davol, John Woo, Jim&Jennie of the Pinetops and many
others. Price: $7.00
New York City, USA
gail [AT]
(added 09/18/2002)
(TX/US) |
For me life is like walking into an art museum, or book store, and
seeing wonderfully created and extremely diverse forms of art plastered
everywhere. Our surroundings, people, buildings, nature…everything
is art and I can’t believe I never saw it before now.” Christina writes of how she has grown to appreciate life as it now
transforms into art. She also has squeezed in an article on her
obsession of Charlie Chaplin. You can also browse through her wish
list or read up on how she feels about relationships.
Christina, Houston, Texas, USA
Blushing_pixie [AT]
10/04/2002, webpage inactive 3/2/2006 )
of Voices
(D.C./US) |
poetry and other writings in this small volume represent a tiny
fragment of the vast creative energy which exists behind prison
walls throughout the world.” Poetry, Writings, and Art by
the Women of Resistance Conspiracy Case Emergency
Committee to Defend The Human and Legal Rights of Political Prisoners
PO Box 28191
Washington, D.C. 20038
de Sac
(IL/US) |
issue was about discovering more about myself.” Issue #5 of
CDS is based on a librarian who with several of her friends finds
a way to write a zine. The Love Issue is representative of its content.
Articles range from how men are categorized according to their persona,
teensploitation, sanrio fever, and why you should visit England?
PO Box 6074
Buffalo Grove, Il 60089-6074
Cul-de-sac [AT]
Price= Issues # 1-4 are one dollar plus three stamps.
(CA/US) |
"What is it that makes you who you are? Is it the clothes you wear?
The car you drive? The music you listen to, the talents you pursue?
I dare you to strip all of those things away and take a good hard
look at what’s left standing in the mirror before you?”
Issue #10 is about a mother who loves her daughter, and a mother
who loves and treasures her friends. I should also mention that
she has a crush on Sterling Ruby who’s in her film class.
PO Box 13078
Long Beach, California
constellaseven [AT]
$2.00 each/ trade plus two stamps by mail
I think So
(Split zine, Australia) |
Esther’s zine mentions overall various reasons for which she’ll
miss departing from New York City. If you commute using public transportation
then you’ll easily visualize what she writes in her travel
notes.“ Vagueness,
inconsistency, undeveloped ideas, inadequate development of basic
think So: “ When I write poems even my own friends avoided
reading them, and it was impossible to get feedback. Now I can disguise
them in zines and sometimes even strangers like them.”
Esther, Brunswick, Australia
esther_bighair [AT]
Crushes |
“Another self-confessional illegible minicomic.” “ She
confessed her love… but did he love another? Find out in this
exciting tale of the crush in Issue#1.”
Time Blues
Feminist Literary Zine
Journal by, for, and about Women
Political Commentary, Literary Discourse, Erotica, Fiction, Poetry,
Women's Spirituality, and more!
We try to provide a place where women, especially those who may not
be found elsewhere, can express themselves artistically in safety.
We are not always politically correct but we are feminists in that
we believe in the equality of all persons regardless of any socially
determined factors. We publish fiction, poetry, art, cartoons, political
and literary discourse, and anything else we like. Past issues have
included Tarot, Rune, and Horoscope readings; Essays dealing with
Discrimination, Female Genital Mutilation, Feminist Medieval Literature
Criticism, Spirituality, and Abortion; Fiction Genres such as Fantasy,
Lesbian Erotica, Horror, and Romance; and some dynamite Poetry. We
do not fit into a neat classification."
Subscriptions: Cost covers postage and handling. $10 per four issues,
$2.50 Sample Copy
Coffy Time Blues
PO Box 3732
Oakland, CA 94609, USA
Email Your Comments to: coffytimeblues [AT]
10/11/2002, webpage inactive 3/2/2006 )
isn't just a mag, it's a DISTRO too. Comufem is a feminist mag about
comix and punk rock, and a distro carrying things by grrrls for grrrls.
AT THE SEAMS with cool stuff by Dec. 15th, the same day that the GIRLFRIENDS
issue will be out. The ish will include interviews with the almight
SARAH DYER and Mr. Lady's very own dyke-core trio, THE HAGGARD. There
will also be artwork by MEGAN KELSO, author of Queen of the Black
Black and an informative comic on FEMALE SERIAL KILLERS. Yep, it's
gunna be good. Interested in getting yer shit distro'ed? Email Daphne
or send samples and info to:
PO Box 2632
Easthampton, NY 11937
aelfie [AT]
(Canada) |
opening to the many layers which make up each one of us. Attention
Cherry Bomb, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Email: Define-time [AT]
Candles for girls
May 2002
of the things Jen always wanted out of life are "more zines to
read" so there they are! Take a look at 6# of Candles for girls.
Jen helps also to organize an all-girl spoken word deal in Madison
called "All Girl Scrawl". Send orders to
Jennifer, c/o Candles for Girls,
PO Box 2695,
Madison, WI 53701-2695.
email: candles4grrls [AT]
A devishely cool site
inactive link May 2002
pieces from a girl -centric DIY zine which Kate Cooties did in the
mid to late 1990s, also journal section + other stuff! email
cooties [AT]
inactive link May 2002
web site has little bits of the print zine, Megan trades for
other zines.
link January 2003
five manifestations of oppression:
marginalization, powerlessness, cultural imperialism,
violence" (not more up) (Lynn Cyanide)
(US) |
" emerged out of frustration when I tried to find sites on the web about the difficulties being a Chicana, both a woman and a minority, how to improve my writing skills, places that were Chicana/o friendly and submission calls for Chicanas / Latinas. I found sites for Hispanic women with beauty tips, I found sites that told me, as a brown woman, that I was sexy if I had a wet t-shirt on and showed off tires on a car. I found sites on the web specifically geared towards those wanting to improve their writing and one site that I found that discussed Chicana Literature, but nothing aimed at the Chicana writer. emerged out of frustration when I tried to find sites on the web about the difficulties being a Chicana, both a woman and a minority, how
to improve my writing skills, places that were Chicana/o friendly and submission calls for Chicanas / Latinas. I found sites for Hispanic women with beauty tips, I found sites that told me, as a brown woman, that I was sexy if I had a wet t-shirt on and showed off tires on a car. I found sites on the web specifically geared towards those wanting to improve their writing and one site that I found that discussed Chicana Literature, but nothing aimed at the Chicana writer." So here it is!